11 Myths About GNU/Linux Operating System

Channel: Open Source Linux
Abstract: Below are the two screen shot of movies ‘Titanic‘ and ‘Avatar‘both were developed in Linux. Titanic Created Using Linux Avatar Created Using Linux So

Linux is a best distribution for Server, Administration and Geeks. But when it comes to Desktop Computing, Linux is still far behind. Why? well when I asked the same question to myself I come to knew that there are a large number of prevalent myths about Linux. There I was forced to uncover the notion with the practical examples, and from now these myths would be history for you.

One of the most prevalent myth is – Linux means only text, matrix, no graphs.

Myth 1: Linux has no support for Image processing

Wrong! Look at the below screen-shot.

Linux Image Processing Myth 2: Linux can not do word processing

Wrong again. Give a close look at the below screen-shot.

Linux Word Processing Myth 3: Linux lacks well defined programming language Support

Well Linux is for low level coder and well defined general programming language has no support for Linux. Then what is this?

Linux Programming Language Myth 4: Linux has nothing of the genre called Games

what a core Low-Level Developer and geek will do with games. Why do not you check yourself.

Linux Games Myth 5: Linux can not Play Music

Music is for those who free and geeks don’t have no time to listen music, hence no music playing. OK, then what the below screen shot tells you?

Linux Play Music Myth 6: Linux can not play DVD

Video playing on Linux, it’s contradictory. Hahaha, see below.

Linux Play Video Myth 7: Linux can not display regional/hindi fonts

Geeks know only one language and thus no regional language support on Linux. Well, I have nothing to say…

Linux Regional Font Support Myth 8: You can not chat on a Linux platform

When the hacker’s whose native OS is Linux, gets time to chat?. Give a second thought…

Chat on Linux Myth 9: Linux can not process 3D

There are two types of development one is black and white text, other is graphics. Certainly Linux is meant for the prior group. Then what is this?

Linux 3D Processing Myth 10: Linux don’t look cool

Linux is a land of coders, programmers, developers, hackers, hence nothing is cool about Linux, except a black screen with green text on it. Well, before you say this, tell me if windows or mac can do this, ever.

Linux Awesome Desktop Myth 11: Linux is not very much Professional

Linux is Free and Open source, has no support from a company or developer, hence it is unprofessional. Are you serious? Below are the two screen shot of movies ‘Titanic‘ and ‘Avatar‘, both were developed in Linux.

Titanic Created Using Linux Avatar Created Using Linux

So after going through this article, certainly some of the myths that would have been there, perhaps is lost, forever.

That’s all for now. Please take pain to provide us with your valuable comments. I will soon be here again, with another interesting article, Till then stay healthy, tuned and connected to Tecmint.

Ref From: tecmint

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