How to Check Redhat Version

Channel: MiniHowTo
Abstract: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.3 (Maipo)Sometimes you may need to check the version of Redhat installed on your machine. Here are some diff
How to Check Redhat Version

Question: How to check Redhat version?

Sometimes you may need to check the version of Redhat installed on your machine. Here are some different ways by which you can find the version of Redhat the machine is running.

LSB Release:

lsb_release is a command line utility that prints certain LSB (Linux Standard Base) and Distribution information

You need to install 「redhat-lsb-core」 package.
lsb_release -a


LSB Version: :core-4.1-amd64:core-4.1-noarch
Distributor ID: RedHatEnterpriseServer
Description: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.3 (Maipo)
Release: 7.3
Codename: Maipo

From the above output, 7.3 confirms the machine is running with RHEL 7.3.

System Release:

You can also get the system version by querying the redhat-release package.

rpm -qa | grep -i redhat-release


Release Files:

Finally, you can also get the Redhat version details by taking a look at /etc/system-release and /etc/redhat-release.

cat /etc/system-release


cat /etc/redhat-release


Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.3 (Maipo)

That’s All.

Ref From: itzgeek

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