How to Install Apache OFBiz on Linux

Channel: Linux
Abstract: Use following command to start Apache OFBiz service on system. ./gradlew ofbizDebian and LinuxMint Users – Install JAVA 8 Step 2 – Download Apache OFB

Apache OFBiz (The Apache Open For Business Project) is an open-source ERP/CRM system from the Apache Foundation starting point for reliable, secure and scalable enterprise solutions. It offers complete accounting/ledger, inventory management, CRM, and project management systems. Also, OFBiz includes a complete CRM system and an eCommerce shopping cart. OFBiz offers a solid framework for plugin development allowing complete customization.

This article will help you to install Apache OFBiz on Linux (CentOS, RedHat, Fedora, Ubuntu, Scientific Linux, and Debian) systems with initial demo data.

Step 1 – Install JAVA

Java Development Kit (JDK) is the primary requirement for running Apache OFBiz on any platform. It required a minimum of Java 1.8 to be installed on your system. Make sure you have Java (JDK not only JRE) installed with the proper version on your system.

java -version 
openjdk version "" 2022-02-08
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build, mixed mode, sharing)

If your system doesn’t have Java installed, Use the below tutorial to install java else ignore it.

For CentOS, RHEL, SL and Fedora Users – Install JAVA 8
For Ubuntu, Debian and LinuxMint Users – Install JAVA 8

Step 2 – Download Apache OFBiz

Download the latest version of Apache OFBiz from its official download site or its mirror sites. You can also use the below command to download OFBiz 18.12.05 on your systems.


let’s extract a downloaded archive file.

mv apache-ofbiz-18.12.05 /usr/local/apache-ofbiz 
rm -f 
Step 3 – Installing Apache OFBiz

Navigate to the OFBiz directory in your system. Then download the Gradle wrapper using the provided shell script. This will download the gradle-wrapper.jar file and put it under gradle/wrapper directory.

cd /usr/local/apache-ofbiz 

Now clean the system and load the complete OFBiz data using the following gradlew command.

./gradlew cleanAll loadAll 

This process will take time to complete based on the internet speed.

Step 4 – Load Demo Data in OFBiz (Not for Production)

Apache OFBiz provides dataset, demo data, and seed data for the experiment purpose. The production users don’t require to run these commands.

./gradlew cleanAll "ofbiz --load-data readers=seed,seed-initial" loadAdminUserLogin -PuserLoginId=admin 
Step 5 – Start Apache OFBiz Service

After installing Apache OFBiz, Use following command to start Apache OFBiz service on system.

./gradlew ofbiz 
Step 6 – Access Apache OFBiz in Browser

Access Apache OFBiz in a browser on port 8443 as below given URL and login credentials.

  • URL: https://server-ip-address:8443/myportal/control/main
  • Admin Username: admin
  • Admin Password: ofbiz

Congratulation’s! You have successfully install apache Ofbiz on your Linux system.


Ref From: tecadmin

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