How to Copy Files to Your Usb from the Terminal

Channel: Linux
Abstract: mine is LINOXIDE_US. 3) Copy file to USB Now you can easily use the cp command to copy files to your usb. cp /home/oltjano/Desktop/

Do you like to learn another terminal tip? In this article, we will teach you how to copy files to your usb device from the terminal. The following screenshot shows a file I want to copy to my usb device.

I have a file with the name "Little_snowflake.mp3" file on my Desktop and I would like to copy it to my USB drive.

1) Change to USB Mounted directory

Change directory with the following command and find out the name of your usb stick.

cd /media
2) List Content inside USB Drive

As you can see from the following screenshot, mine is LINOXIDE_US.

3) Copy file to USB

Now you can easily use the cp command to copy files to your usb.

cp /home/oltjano/Desktop/Little_snowflake.mp3 /media/LINOXIDE_US/
4) Verify File

Run ls inside your /media/usb_directory to make sure files are copied.

Ref From: linoxide

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