How to Add New Fonts to Fedora

Channel: Fedora Linux
Abstract: you can list all available font packages. $ sudo dnf search fontsThen install the font package you need. $ sudo dnf install libreoffice-opensymbol-fon

Fonts always assist you to express your feelings in more creative ways through design. Whether you are captioning a picture, creating a presentation, or designing an advertisement or greeting, fonts can improve your idea to the higher level.

It’s easy to fall in love with fonts for their own artful qualities. Fortunately, Fedora makes installation easy as explained in this article. There are several basic fonts included in the default installation of the Fedora Linux. If you are planning to use Fedora for daily activities such as creating graphic design and typesetting, you can add additional fonts.

Installing New Fonts with DNF on Fedora

To install new fonts on Fedora system, you need to enable the RPMfusion repository on your system with dnf package manager. As, this method of font installation gives you control over the font packages in the future, such as updating or removing fonts from the system.

$ sudo dnf install$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm

Once RPMfusion repository installed, you can list all available font packages.

$ sudo dnf search fonts

kranky-fonts.noarch : Kranky fonts
lyx-fonts.noarch : Lyx/MathML fonts
mscore-fonts.noarch : MuseScore fonts
d-din-fonts.noarch : Datto D-DIN fonts
R-sysfonts.x86_64 : Loading Fonts into R
gfs-didot-fonts.noarch : GFS Didot fonts
powerline-fonts.noarch : Powerline Fonts
apx-fonts.noarch : Fonts for the game apx
vdrsymbol-fonts.noarch : VDR symbol fonts
gfs-bodoni-fonts.noarch : GFS Bodoni fonts
sil-doulos-fonts.noarch : Doulos SIL fonts
denemo-feta-fonts.noarch : Denemo feta fonts

Then install the font package you need.

$ sudo dnf install libreoffice-opensymbol-fonts.noarch

For more information, the following command will list all available font packages along with their descriptions.

$ sudo dnf search fonts
Installing New Fonts Manually on Fedora

This method of font installation works better if you have downloaded fonts in supported format such as .ttf, .otf, .ttc, .pfa, .pfb or .pcf. These fonts can’t be installed in a system-wide, but you can install these fonts manually by moving the font files into a system font directory and updating the font cache.

$ sudo mkdir /usr/share/fonts/robofont
$ sudocp ~/fonts/robofont.ttf /usr/share/fonts/robofont
$ sudo fc-cache -v

The above fc-cache -v command will rebuild font caches that help Fedora system to locate and reference the fonts it can use. You might also need to restart an application in order to start using new fonts.

Ref From: tecmint

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