How to Kill Process by Name in Linux

Channel: Linux
Abstract: and send a kill signal to them. sudo pkill javaHow to use pkill command line in Linux

Question – How do I kill a process by Name in Linux system via command line? Killing multiple processes running with same name? How to kill process without PID under Linux? How to use pkill command line in Linux?

pkill is a command line utility used for kill a running process by their name. The pkill command was initially introduced in Solaris 7 operating system, Latest it was re-implemented for other Linux operating system. This command sends signal to the processes by the regular expression.

Command Syntax: pkill <process name>Examples:

For example to kill all processes running with name java, use the following command. This will search all processes with name 「java」 and send a kill signal to them.

sudo pkill java

Similarily to kill all processes running with name httpd use the following command.

sudo pkill httpd

Ref From: tecadmin

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