How To Install OpenPublish On Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS

Channel: Linux
Abstract: mv openpublish/* /var/www/ Install OpenPublish Go to the /var/www/sites/default/ folder and change write permission of settings.phpclick "Save and con
How To Install OpenPublish On Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS

This tutorial explains how to install OpenPublish on an Ubuntu 10.04 LTS server. Open Publish is an open source platform designed specifically for the online news industry.


Configure MySQL
  1. Create database:
    mysqladmin create [database]
  2. Access MySQL:
    mysql -u root -p[password]
  3. Grant manipulation privileges to the database:

    ON [database].*
    TO '[database_username]'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '[password]';

  4. Flush the grant tables (same as reload):
    flush privileges;


Download OpenPublish
  1. Type this command:
  2. After download has finished, extract the file by typing this command:
    tar -zxvf openpublish-2.3-build441.tar.gz
  3. After finish extracting the file, move the file to /var/www folder by typing:
    mv openpublish/* /var/www/


Install OpenPublish
  1. Go to the /var/www/sites/default/ folder and change write permission of settings.php:

    cd /var/www/sites/default/
    chmod 777 settings.php

  2. Open your browser and type: http://YOURIPADDRESS/install.php
  3. Choose Language: Click on install OpenPublish in English.
  4. Set up Database: Fill in the name of the database you created, database username and the database password.
  5. Then, click "Save and continue" button.
  6. Configure site: Key in Site name and Site e-mail address in "Site Information"section.
  7. Configure site: Key in Username, E-mail address, Password, Confirm password in "Administration account" section.
  8. Configure site: Select for Default time zone, click Enabled for Clean URLs, and click Check for updates automatically for Update notifications in "Server settings" section.
  9. Then, click "Save and continue" button.

Ref From: howtoforge
Channels: ubuntu

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