How to find Ubuntu Version, Codename and OS Architecture in Shell Script

Channel: Linux
Abstract: Codename=$(lsb_release -c --short)and OS Architecture in a shell script. 1. Get Ubuntu Version To get ubuntu version details

While working with the bash shell scripting, Many times you may require to get your system version or codename or operating system architecture. In this article, you will learn, how to find Ubuntu Version, Codename, and OS Architecture in a shell script.

1. Get Ubuntu Version

To get ubuntu version details, Use -r with lsb_release command.

$ lsb_release -r

Release:	14.04

Also use -s or --short to get details in short format

$ lsb_release -r --short

2. Get Ubuntu Codename

To get ubuntu version details, Use -c with lsb_release command.

$ lsb_release -c

Codename:	trusty

Also use -s or --short to get details in short format

$ lsb_release -c --short

3. Get OS Architecture Details

To find the operating system architecture details using uname command with -m parameter.

$ uname -m

4. Shell Script – Store Values in Variable

Now if we need to use these values in a shell script, store these values in variables. Below example, the shell script will help you to store the output of commands in variables and use them


Version=$(lsb_release -r --short)
Codename=$(lsb_release -c --short)
OSArch=$(uname -m)

echo "Version = $Version"
echo "Codename = $Codename"
echo "OS Architecture = $OSArch"

Ref From: tecadmin

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