Install Linux Deepin 12.12 Desktop Manager on Ubuntu and Linux Mint

Channel: Linux Desktop Linux
Abstract: and add the Deepin repository to your system by executing the following commands. $ sudo sh -c 'echo "deb httpwhich polishes overall look and feel of

Linux Deepin is an Ubuntu based Chinese (Also available in English) Linux distribution that bundled with its own elegant and easy to use Desktop Environment and with other integrated beautiful unique applications, which polishes overall look and feel of Linux Deepin. It is available as standalone distribution so you can download and install it on your systems.

Linux Deepin Desktop

If you don’t interested in removing or formatting your current installation of Ubuntu or Mint to install Linux Deepin from scratch. Here is guide that shows you how to install only Linux Deepin Desktop Manager to achieve some look and feel of Deepin Desktop.

Installing Linux Deepin Desktop Manager

Open a terminal by doing 「Ctr+Alt+T」 and add the Deepin repository to your system by executing the following commands.

$ sudo sh -c 'echo "deb raring main non-free universe" >> /etc/apt/sources.list'
$ sudo sh -c 'echo "deb-src raring main non-free universe" >> /etc/apt/sources.list'

Download and Import Public GPG key to authenticate packages come from Deepin repository. To do so, execute the following commands.

$ wget
$ gpg --import deepin-keyring.gpg
$ sudo gpg --export --armor 209088E7 | sudo apt-key add -

Next, Update the system local repository packages index.

$ sudo apt-get update

Finally, install the Linux Deepin desktop environment.

$ sudo apt-get install dde-meta-core

The install process might take long time, depending on your Internet and System speed. It download bunch of files to your system, so please be patient while the Linux Deepin Desktop manager installed by the package manager.

Additionally, you can also install some other add-ons such as Deepin Software Center, Music Player and Settings Panel. To do so, run the following command.

$ sudo apt-get install python-deepin-gsettings deepin-music-player deepin-software-center

Once the installation process completes, you may restart or logout from the current session and select the new Deepin Desktop Environment from the login screen.

Login Selection Linux Deepin Desktop Login Screen – LightDM Greeter Login Greeter Application Launcher Application Launcher Software Center Software Center System Settings System Settings

Please aware, installing Linux Deepin Environment will not give you a full Deepin experience. Applications such as Nautilus will remain same, but still this is the recommended way to gain the some experience of Deepin without installing it from the scratch.

If you’re looking to install fresh Deepin Desktop from the scratch in your system, you can download English ISO images for both 32-bit and 64-bit systems by following below links.

Download Linux Deepin 12.12
  1. deepin_12.12.1_en_final_i386.iso – 1.1 GB
  2. deepin_12.12.1_en_final_amd64.iso – 1.2 GB

Ref From: tecmint

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