How to Install and Configure pfSense 2.1.5 (Firewall/Router) for Your Home/Office Network - Part 2

Channel: Firewalls Linux
Abstract: you will get the pfsense menu as show below. pfSense Menu WAN IP address will be assigned from DHCP. If you need we can assign a static IP. LAN IP add

18. Once subpartitions has been created, you will see the installation process..

pfSense Installation Process

19. At last for installing the kernel, you can choose from the options as non-vga or symetmetric multiprocessing kernel. Here I’m going to choose non-vga and keyboard less.

Install Kernel

20. After kernel has been installed, reboot the machine and configure the networking and more in next step as follows.

Reboot Machine pfSense Rebooting

21. After rebooting, you will get the below screen with available interfaces to configure the network.

Configure pfSense Network

The first option is presented as VLAN’s, generally VLAN’s are not needed, they are needed for advance networking, simply here say No.

There are two interface’s em0 and em1, I have planned to assign em0 as WAN our external interface and em1 as LAN which for internal interface with firewall/NAT features enabled.

Enable Network Interfaces

22. I don’t need a optional interface name, so just continue by pressing Return Key. It will ask for the confirmation Yes/No proceed with Y and press enter to continue.

Assigned Interfaces

23. After setting up interfaces, you will get the pfsense menu as show below.

pfSense Menu
  1. WAN IP address will be assigned from DHCP. If you need we can assign a static IP.
  2. LAN IP address will be default as, if you want to change choose option 2 and set interfaces IP address.

First let me define a Static IP, subnet mask in Bit count and gateway for the WAN and LAN. Disable the DHCP and continue by choosing Y.

Configure LAN Interface Confirm Network Settings

24. Then for LAN interface, If we need DHCP for local area network from pfsense we can assign a range of address from pfsense. I have chosen as my pfsense LAN address and for client machine’s I need to assign a IP address from DHCP in the range of –

pfSense LAN IP Address Assign DHCP IP Range

25. After all the above settings are performed, it will prompt you a link to access pfSense webconfigurator interface to configure further steps.

pfSense WebGUI Access Pages: 1 2 3

Ref From: tecmint
Channels: pfsense

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