A Linux User Using 'Windows 10' After More than 8 Years - See Comparison - Part 2

Channel: Windows Linux
Abstract: folder browsing and Microsoft store is there. As usual notification bar is present on the bottom right to sum up desktop. Deskop Shortcut Icons 20. In
Experience of a Linux-user (Myself) till now
  1. No Net-installer Image
  2. Image size too heavy
  3. No way to check the integrity of iso downloaded (no hash check)
  4. The booting and installation remains same as it was in XP, Windows 7 and 8 perhaps.
  5. As usual no output on what windows Installer is doing – What file copying or what package installing.
  6. Installation was straight forward and easy as compared to the installation of a Linux distribution.
Windows 10 Testing

19. The default Desktop is clean. It has a recycle bin Icon on the default desktop. Search web directly from the desktop itself. Additionally icons for Task viewing, Internet browsing, folder browsing and Microsoft store is there. As usual notification bar is present on the bottom right to sum up desktop.

Deskop Shortcut Icons

20. Internet Explorer replaced with Microsoft Edge. Windows 10 has replace the legacy web browser Internet Explorer also known as IE with Edge aka project spartan.

Microsoft Edge Browser

It is fast at least as compared to IE (as it seems it testing). Familiar user Interface. The home screen contains news feed updates. There is also a search bar title that reads ‘Where to next?‘. The browser loads time is considerably low which result in improving overall speed and performance. The memory usages of Edge seems normal.

Windows Performance

Edge has got cortana – Intelligent Personal Assistant, Support for chrome-extension, web Note – Take notes while Browsing, Share – Right from the tab without opening any other TAB.

Experience of a Linux-user (Myself) on this point

21. Microsoft has really improved web browsing. Lets see how stable and fine it remains. It don’t lag as of now.

22. Though RAM usages by Edge was fine for me, a lots of users are complaining that Edge is notorious for Excessive RAM Usages.

23. Difficult to say at this point if Edge is ready to compete with Chrome and/or Firefox at this point of time. Lets see what future unfolds.

A few more Virtual Tour

24. Start Menu redesigned – Seems clear and effective. Metro icons make it live. Populated with most commonly applications viz., Calendar, Mail, Edge, Photos, Contact, Temperature, Companion suite, OneNote, Store, Xbox, Music, Movies & TV, Money, News, Store, etc.

Windows Look and Feel

In Linux on Gnome Desktop Environment, I use to search required applications simply by pressing windows key and then type the name of the application.

Search Within Desktop

25. File Explorer – seems clear Designing. Edges are sharp. In the left pane there is link to quick access folders.

Windows File Explorer

Equally clear and effective file explorer on Gnome Desktop Environment on Linux. Removed UN-necessary graphics and images from icons is a plus point.

File Browser on Gnome

26. Settings – Though the settings are a bit refined on Windows 10, you may compare it with the settings on a Linux Box.

Settings on Windows Windows 10 Settings Setting on Linux Gnome Gnome Settings

27. List of Applications – List of Application on Linux is better than what they use to provide (based upon my memory, when I was a regular windows user) but still it stands low as compared to how Gnome3 list application.

Application Listed by Windows Application List on Windows 10 Application Listed by Gnome3 on Linux Gnome Application List on Linux

28. Virtual Desktop – Virtual Desktop feature of Windows 10 is one of those topic which are very much talked about these days.

Here is the virtual Desktop in Windows 10.

Windows Virtual Desktop

and the virtual Desktop on Linux we are using for more than 2 decades.

Virtual Desktop on Linux A few other features of Windows 10

29. Windows 10 comes with wi-fi sense. It shares your password with others. Anyone who is in the range of your wi-fi and connected to you over Skype, Outlook, Hotmail or Facebook can be granted access to your wifi network. And mind it this feature has been added as a feature by microsoft to save time and hassle-free connection.

In a reply to question raised by Tecmint, Microsoft said – The user has to agree to enable wifi sense, everytime on a new network. oh! What a pathetic taste as far as security is concerned. I am not convinced.

30. Up-gradation from Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 is free though the retail cost of Home and pro editions are approximately $119 and $199 respectively.

31. Microsoft released first cumulative update for windows 10, which is said to put system into endless crash loop for a few people. Windows perhaps don’t understand such problem or don’t want to work on that part don’t know why.

32. Microsoft’s inbuilt utility to block/hide unwanted updates don’t work in my case. This means If a update is there, there is no way to block/hide it. Sorry windows users!

A few features native to Linux that windows 10 have

Windows 10 has a lots of features that were taken directly from Linux. If Linux were not released under GNU License perhaps Microsoft would never had the below features.

33. Command-line package management – Yup! You heard it right. Windows 10 has a built-in package management. It works only in Windows Power Shell. OneGet is the official package manager for windows. Windows package manager in action.

Windows 10 Package Manager
  1. Border-less windows
  2. Flat Icons
  3. Virtual Desktop
  4. One search for Online+offline search
  5. Convergence of mobile and desktop OS
Overall Conclusion
  1. Improved responsiveness
  2. Well implemented Animation
  3. low on resource
  4. Improved battery life
  5. Microsoft Edge web-browser is rock solid
  6. Supported on Raspberry pi 2.
  7. It is good because windows 8/8.1 was not upto mark and really bad.
  8. It is a the same old wine in new bottle. Almost the same things with brushed up icons.

What my testing suggest is Windows 10 has improved on a few things like look and feel (as windows always did), +1 for Project spartan, Virtual Desktop, Command-line package management, one search for online and offline search. It is overall an improved product but those who thinks that Windows 10 will prove to be the last nail in the coffin of Linux are mistaken.

Linux is years ahead of Windows. Their approach is different. In near future windows won’t stand anywhere around Linux and there is nothing for which a Linux user need to go to Windows 10.

That’s all for now. Hope you liked the post. I will be here again with another interesting post you people will love to read. Provide us with your valuable feedback in the comments below.

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Ref From: tecmint
Channels: Windows 10

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