How to Rule the Tech World ?

Channel: Linux
Abstract: it also is necessary how effectively you communicate this. Apple has time and again proved that it is not only a tech giant but also rules the marketi

The technology giants like Google, Facebook, Apple and Microsoft are literally ruling the world. They have not only made contribution in the world of business and technology but also investing heavily in social responsibility projects. What made them giants of the technology world when they started off from a garage or a college dorm? Their success can be contributed to a lot of factors but there are some common denominators in all of these technology giants.

Path breaking solutions

While Facebook provided a common platform to share your social life with your friends through internet, Google gave the world a path breaking search engine which leaves no information elusive. Microsoft developed an operating system and Apple started assembling advanced computers. One of the common factors in the initial stages of the tech giants was offering path breaking and innovative products which were unprecedented. They gave the world solutions could not be matched with anything from the past and started a trend that is ruling the world still.

Continuous improvement

The technology giants are also involved in continuously improving their offerings by investing heavily in research and development. Google intends to be recognized as the top innovator in the industry with its projects like Project Soli, Project Jacquard and Project Aura, it maintains a competitive edge. Facebook on the other hand is working on its initiative to make the web affordable and accessible for people in developing countries. To rule the technology world it is very much expected for a company to continuously deliver products and solutions which will maintain a competitive edge for the company.

Effective marketing

It’s not only how innovative you are as a company; it also is necessary how effectively you communicate this. Apple has time and again proved that it is not only a tech giant but also rules the marketing world. The amount of anticipation which builds up for its iphones is a proof of its specialized branding strategy. If you wish to rule the tech world you need to tech world you need to position yourself ahead of your competitors and gain mindshare of your audience. Ignoring your marketing strategy can be a big mistake.


Google and Facebook have been buying companies since they have succeeded in making big. Facebook bought Whatsapp for 22 billion dollars and Oculus VR for 2 billion dollars. Google buys every new company which has the potential to make it big. This acquisition strategy may seem like they are buying out their competition but in reality they are collaborating with the technology experts to maintain their competitive edge. Buying out a company gives these tech giants to understand a new technology better and understand the business model. If you plan to become a tech giant someday you have to collaborate with the people who share your vision.


The most crucial factor in the success of these tech giant is the people who worked hard with determination and persistence in the time when things were going against them. To be a tech giant your organization should have the capability to persist and prevail.

Ref From: tecadmin

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