How to Check If Your Business Network Is Poorly Defended

Channel: Linux
Abstract: it is important that you frequently update your scanning software. This will ensure that it doesn’t leave behind any loop hole for attackers to smash

When was the last time you examined your business network for flaws and vulnerabilities? If it’s been too long, it might be at risk right now! Read on for ways to perform a quick test!


Today, no organization, small or big, is beyond the reach of hackers. If you own a business, you can’t afford to not have a foolproof security system in place. It’s important that your anti-virus software and business networks are protected and up to date, for hackers can break in through even the smallest open ports!
But how do you know whether or not your business network is properly defended?

The simple steps below will help you find it out:

Scan All Your Ports

Have your entire network scanned for easy identification of any open ports that are prone to hacking activities. You can use a free service like ShieldUp to carry out the scanning process. Once you’ve selected the ‘’All Service Ports’’ option, ports on all your computers in the network will get scanned. This is how you can know if they are open or closed, and are responding or not.

Full Network Scan

Many latest operating systems and applications are susceptible to ‘Zero Day’ vulnerability, a recently discovered issue for which there is no update or patch as of now. However, most of these vulnerabilities evolve when a common issue is left unnoticed for a long time.

Develop a habit of running a vulnerability scan from time to time to ensure that your network’s software system is up to date. You can launch your scanner from a single computer and scan the entire business network in no time. Keep updating any insecure software that you spot during the scan.

Identify Rogue Access Points

Rogue access points are created when your employees connect your business network to a wireless access point. These access points are a huge security risk as they can make your network accessible to anyone. You can carry out a rogue access point scan using a Wi-Fi scanner. Your scanner will identify all Wi-Fi networks around you, including those that are hidden. Get a free Wi-Fi scanner such as Meraki WiFi Stumbler from Cisco.

Automated Penetration Analysis

Another simple and effective way of detecting network vulnerabilities is an automated penetration test. A genuine scanner will scan through the entire computer network, identify all kinds of vulnerabilities, and remove them in the most appropriate manner.

But since hackers are using latest innovations to access crucial information within organizations, it is important that you frequently update your scanning software. This will ensure that it doesn’t leave behind any loop hole for attackers to smash a network’s defense mechanism.

Bug Bounty Programs

Today, there are numerous organizations that handle bug bounty programs on their client’s behalf. And why businesses go for such plans is because they are more cost-effective in comparison to automated penetration tests. A bug bounty program carried out by a reputed service provider can help your network and security systems to acquire the same level of creativity as real humans!

Ref From: tecadmin

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