How to Add SPF Records for all Accounts on cPanel Server

Channel: Linux
Abstract: cPanel account name to which SPF need to configure. 2. For All Accounts Use following script to add SPF records for all accounts on cPanel server. # f

This article will help to how to add SPF records for all accounts on cPanel server

1. For Single Account

cPanel provides scripts to add SPF record in accounts. If you want to add SPF record in single account use following command as root user.

# /usr/local/cpanel/bin/spf_installer <username>

<username> : cPanel account name to which SPF need to configure.

2. For All Accounts

Use following script to add SPF records for all accounts on cPanel server.

# for USER in /var/cpanel/users/*; do /usr/local/cpanel/bin/spf_installer "${USER##*/}"; done


Ref From: tecadmin
Channels: cPanel SPF

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