How to enable EPEL Yum Repo on CentOS 8/7/6

Channel: Linux
Abstract: zipios++-devel.i686 epelzipios++.i686 epel

The EPEL or 「Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux」 is an online yum repository providing high quality of commonly used software packages. These packages are developed and tested on Fedora, which is available for RHEL.

The EPEL repository is available and used for the following Linux Distributions:

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)
  • Fedora
  • CentOS
  • Scientific Linux
  • Oracle Linux

Download and install the epel-release package as per your system version and architecture. Basically, they provide noarch packages, which means they are architecture-independent but still EPEL providing different packages to download. So you can download it as per your choice.

Method 1 – Installing EPEL using Yum

For the CentOS Linux distro, its available under default yum repositories. You can simply install it using yum package manager tool.

yum install epel-release
Method 2 – Installing EPEL using RPM

For some of the Linux distributions epel-release package is not available under default repositories, can download the latest package from the official website on install the.

CentOS 8:

yum install
dnf config-manager --set-enabled PowerTools

CentOS 7:

yum install

CentOS 6:

yum install
Using EPEL Repository

Now check if your repository is working properly on your system. Execute the following command to list all packages available in epel repository

yum --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=epel list all

You will get a long list of packages

zile.i686                      2.4.9-1.el6                 epel
zipios++.i686                       epel
zipios++-devel.i686                 epel
zlibrary.i686                  0.12.10-5.el6               epel
zlibrary-devel.i686            0.12.10-5.el6               epel
zlibrary-ui-gtk.i686           0.12.10-5.el6               epel
zlibrary-ui-qt.i686            0.12.10-5.el6               epel
znc.i686                       1.2-3.el6                   epel
znc-devel.i686                 1.2-3.el6                   epel
znc-infobot.i686               1.2-1.el6                   epel
znc-modperl.i686               1.2-3.el6                   epel
znc-modtcl.i686                1.2-3.el6                   epel
zvbi.i686                      0.2.33-6.el6                epel
zvbi-devel.i686                0.2.33-6.el6                epel
zvbi-fonts.noarch              0.2.33-6.el6                epel
zziplib.i686                   0.13.62-1.el6               epel
zziplib-devel.i686             0.13.62-1.el6               epel
zziplib-utils.i686             0.13.62-1.el6               epel

Ref From: tecadmin

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