Installing Debian 8 (Jessie) with LUKS Encrypted /home and /var Partitions - Part 2

Channel: Debian Linux
Abstract: select Configure the Logical Volume Manager and confirm (Yes) the new write changes to disk. Configure Logical Volumes Write Changes to LVM 14. On the

9. Now it’s time to create the encrypted partition that will be the physical volume for encryption on top of which the LVM /var and /home partition will reside.

To do that, first choose the remaining FREE SPACE -> Create a new partition -> leave the partition size with the default value -> make it a Logical partition -> Use it as Physical volume for encryption -> Done setting up the partition.

Use the below screenshots as a guidance for this steps.

Create Encrypted Partition Create New Encrypted Partition Enter Partition Size Set Primary Partition Select Encryption Type Encrypted Partition Summary

10. After the Physical volume for encryption has been created it’s time to configure the Encrypted volumes. If you have other partitions or hard drives that you want to use for encryption, now it’s time to create them all by repeating the above steps for each partition on hard drives.

To move forward, next select Configure encrypted volumes and hit on Yes to write the changes to disk and start configure encrypted volumes.

Configure Encrypted Volumes Write Changes to Disk

11. On the next screen choose Create encrypted volumes and choose the devices (partitions) to encrypt. If you have a hard time to recognize the correct devices that will be used for encryption after their partition number or size, just look after a crypto word at the end of each listed partition.

To select the partitions use up and down keys to navigate and press the space key to select the appropriate partitions and an asterisk should appear on the selected device. When you’re done with devices selection, hit the Tab key to jump on Continue and press Enter key to move forward and Finish.

Create Encrypted Volume Select Partition To Encrypt Finish Encrypted Partition

12. On the next screen the installer will ask you whether you want to erase the data on the encrypted partitions. Depending on your available time or if the hard disk it’s new and has just been partitioned, so it does not contain any data, choose No and provide a strong passphrase for the encrypted volume.

When you’re done with the passphrases hit Continue to return to main Partition menu and configure LVM volumes further.

Erase Data on Partition Set Encrypted Passphrase Confirm Passphrase

13. Once you have returned at the main Partition menu, it’s time to create the LVM partitions for /home and /var on top of the encrypted volume.

Next, select Configure the Logical Volume Manager and confirm (Yes) the new write changes to disk.

Configure Logical Volumes Write Changes to LVM

14. On the next step create a Volume Group using a descriptive name for this VG (for my setup I’ve used the name Jessie) and select the encrypted device (partition) that will be a part of the VG by pressing the space key. To jump to Continue menu press the Tab key.

Create Volume Group Set Volume Group Name Select Device for New Volume Pages: 1 2 3

Ref From: tecmint

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