How to Install Apache NetBeans on Fedora 36 / Fedora 35

Channel: Fedora
Abstract: you can install either OpenJDK or Oracle Java for Apache NetBeans installation. READinstall Apache NetBeans using the snap command. sudo snap install

Apache NetBeans is an integrated development environment (IDE) for all Java application development. It also supports developing applications in other languages, such as PHP, C/C++, Groovy, JavaScript, and HTML5, with the help of plugins.

Apache NetBeans is available for Windows, Linux, macOS, and Solaris.

Here, we will see how to install Apache NetBeans on Fedora 36 / Fedora 35.

Install Java JD

NetBeans requires JAVA JDK 11 or 17 to be available on the system. So, you can install either OpenJDK or Oracle Java for Apache NetBeans installation.

READ: Install Java JDK 17 on Fedora

In this post, I will use OpenJDK 17.

sudo dnf install java-17-openjdk-devel -y

Once the OpenJDK installation is complete, check the Java version with the below command.

java -version


openjdk version "17.0.2" 2022-01-18
OpenJDK Runtime Environment 21.9 (build 17.0.2+8)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 21.9 (build 17.0.2+8, mixed mode, sharing)
Install Apache NetBeans on Fedora 36

You can follow any of the below methods to install Apache NetBeans on Fedora 36.

1. Using Snap
2. Using Official Package

1. Install Apache Netbeans Using Snap

Apache NetBeans is available as a snap package for Fedora operating system. So, first, install the Snap package management on your system.

sudo dnf install -y snapd

sudo ln -s /var/lib/snapd/snap /snap

sudo snap install core && sudo snap refresh core

Then, install Apache NetBeans using the snap command.

sudo snap install netbeans --classic

The installation will take some time to complete. After installing NetBeans, verify the NetBeans installation using the below command.

sudo snap list netbeans


Name      Version  Rev  Tracking       Publisher         Notes
netbeans  13       58   latest/stable  apache-netbeans✓  classic
2. Install Apache NetBeans From Official Archive Download Apache NetBeans

Apache Software Foundation releases Apache NetBeans IDE four times a year. You can download Apache NetBeans v13 (The latest version when writing this article) by visiting the Apache NetBeans download page or using the following command in a terminal.

Install Apache NetBeans

First, set the executable permission to the installer file in order to run the Apache NetBeans installer,

sudo chmod 700 Apache-NetBeans-*

Then, run the Apache NetBeans installer.

sudo ./Apache-NetBeans-*

The Apache NetBeans installer will start the graphical installer, and you will need to follow the installer wizard.

1. Click Next or Customize the installation packs and runtimes on the installer welcome screen.

2. Click the checkbox to accept the terms in the license agreement and then click Next.

3. The installer will detect the installation folder and the location of JDK automatically. If you want, you can change the Apache NetBeans installation folder and JDK for Apache NetBeans.

4. Optionally, you can allow NetBeans to Check for Updates of installed plugins. Then click Install to begin the installation.

5. The installation will take a while. Finally, click Finish to complete the installation.

Since Apache NetBeans is installed in a custom location, we will create a link to the /usr/bin directory so that you can start NetBeans IDE with the netbeans command.

sudo ln -s /usr/local/netbeans-*/netbeans/bin/netbeans /usr/bin/netbeans
Launch Apache NetBeans

Start the Apache Netbeans on Debian by going to Activities >> search for Apache NetBeans or running the netbeans command in the terminal.

Apache NetBeans 13 on Fedora Conclusion

That’s all. I hope you have learned how to install Apache NetBeans on Fedora 36 / Fedora 35.

Ref From: itzgeek

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