(Resolved) zookeeper is not a recognized option - Kafka

Channel: Linux
Abstract: zookeeper is not a recognized optionI visited to Apache Kafa QUICKSTART guide. Here I found the solution that Kafka has removed --zookeeper option and

Recently, I installed Apache Kafka on the Ubuntu system. When tried to run the consumer console script, I found the error message that 「zookeeper is not a recognized option」.

./bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --topic testTopic --zookeeper localhost:9092 
zookeeper is not a recognized option
Option                                   Description
------                                   -----------
--consumer-property                            properties in the form key=value to

After searching a bit time, I visited to Apache Kafa QUICKSTART guide. Here I found the solution that Kafka has removed --zookeeper option and replaced it with a new option --bootstrap-server .

So the new command would be like:

./bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --topic testTopic --bootstrap-server  localhost:9092 

Hope this will help you to resolve the Kafka issue.

Ref From: tecadmin
Channels: Kafkaerror

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