How to Install tar in CentOS, RHEL, and Fedora

Channel: RedHat Linux Commands Fedora CentOS Linux
Abstract: 5 Best Command Line Archive Tools for Linux Note that tar does not compress archive files by defaultcommonly known as a tarball for backup or distribu

tar is a widely used command-line based utility for combining a bunch of files and/or directories into one archive file, commonly known as a tarball for backup or distributions purposes. The tar command is used to create, maintain, modify, or extract tar archives.

Read Also: 5 Best Command Line Archive Tools for Linux

Note that tar does not compress archive files by default, but, it can compress the resulting archive using (or filter it through) well-known data compression programs such as gzip, bzip2, or xz if you supply the -z, -j, or -J flags.

Installing tar in CentOS, RHEL, and Fedora

The tar package comes pre-installed in most if not all Linux distributions by default. But if it is not installed on your system, run the following command to install it.

# yum install tar

Once you have tar installed on your system, you can use it as follows. This example shows how to create an uncompressed archive file of a directory called test_app within the working directory.

# tar -cvf test_app.tar test_app/
Create Uncompressed Tarball

In the above command, the tar flags used are -c which creates a new .tar archive file, -v enables verbose mode to show the .tar file creation progress, and -f which specifies the file name type of the archive file (test_app.tar in this case).

To compress the resulting archive file using gzip or bzip2, supply the -z or -j flag as follows. Note that a compressed tarball can also end with the .tgz extension.

# tar -cvzf test_app.tar.gz test_app/
# tar -cvzf test_app.tgz test_app/
# tar -cvjf test_app.tar.bz2 test_app/
Create Compressed Tarball

To list the contents of a tarball (archived file), use the -t flag as follows.

# tar -ztf test_app.tar.gz
# tar -ztvf test_app.tar.gz		#shows more details
View Contents of Tarball

To extract (or untar) an archive file, use the -x switch as shown.

# tar -xvf test_app.tar
# tar -xvf test_app.tar.gz 

For more usage examples, see our following articles:

  • 18 Tar Command Examples in Linux
  • How to Split Large ‘tar’ Archive into Multiple Files of Certain Size
  • How to Compress Files Faster with Pigz Tool in Linux
  • How to Compress and Decompress a .bz2 File in Linux
  • 10 7zip (File Archive) Command Examples in Linux

That’s all for now! In this article, we have shown how to install tar in CentOS, RHEL & Fedora and also showed some basic tar usage commands. If you have any queries, share it with us via the feedback form below.

Ref From: tecmint

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