How to Add Host in Zabbix Server to Monitor

Channel: Linux
Abstract: You may also refer screenshot showing just after these steps. Click on Configuration Menu Click on Hosts submenu Click on Create Host button at right

Zabbix server is rich in template tools which contain lots of predefined templates which we can easily be used with your hosts. As you are on this page, you may have already configured Zabbix server on your server and Zabbix client on remote systems to be the monitor. You can refer to tutorials for the installation of Zabbix Server and Zabbix client on Linux and Windows server.

  • Install Steps on Ubuntu, Debian – Zabbix Server and Zabbix Agent
  • Install Steps on CentOS, RedHat – Zabbix Server and Zabbix Agent
  • Install Steps on Windows – Zabbix Agent

There are two ways to add remote hosts to Zabbix server for monitoring. First, Zabbix has the capability to scan your network and automatically add all the hosts to the Zabbix server. The second method is used for adding hosts one by one manually.

Using this tutorial, we are going to add the host manually. Follow the below steps to add your first host which is running with the Linux operating system.

Adding New Linux Host in Zabbix

Login to your Zabbix web admin interface using the admin account. Then follow the steps given below, You may also refer screenshot showing just after these steps.

  • Click on Configuration Menu
  • Click on Hosts submenu
  • Click on Create Host button at right side

Now fill the following details of the remote host and then go to Templates tab.

  • Hostname: Enter hostname of Remote system
  • Visible name: Name to be display in zabbix
  • Group: Select the desired group for you host
  • Agent interface: Fill the info of Zabbix agent running on host
  • Enabled: Check for active

  • Select desired Template : Please select carefully, Because it will enabled all checks for the host
  • Click on add link
  • Click on save button

Congratulation! You have added new host system to Zabbix server for the monitoring. Repeat the same process for adding more hosts.

How to View Graph in Zabbix

Graphs are always attracted the new users, Below screenshot will help you to how to view graphs in Zabbix. If you have just added the host, you need to wait for some time, so that Zabbix can collect some data from the remote host to show on the graph.

Thank You for using this article, if this tutorial helps please do not forget to share it with your friends.

Use below link to read more about zabbix configuration>

Ref From: tecadmin

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