How to Get Absolute Directory Path in PHP Script

Channel: Linux
Abstract: php include(dirname(__FILE__)."/other.php")>123

PHP 4.0 introduced __FILE__ magic constant, which provides the full path and filename of the file.

To get directory path only use dirname(__FILE__). For example to include other file in same directory use:

<?php include(dirname(__FILE__)."/other.php"); ?>123<?php  include(dirname(__FILE__)."/other.php");?>

Later the PHP version 5.3.0 and later versions introduced a new constant called __DIR__ which is the short form of the dirname(__FILE__). You can also use this in replacement of what we used earlier.

Now, you can use above script like:

<?php include(__DIR__."/other.php"); ?>123<?php  include(__DIR__."/other.php");?>

To simply print the absolute directory path of PHP script located in:

<?php echo __DIR__; ?>123<?php  echo __DIR__;?>

Ref From: tecadmin
Channels: PHP

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