How to Set JAVA_HOME on Windows 7/8/10

Channel: Linux
Abstract: If you have already installed Java on Windows systems. Then you need to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to make it work properly. Additionallyy

If you have already installed Java on Windows systems. Then you need to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to make it work properly. Additionally, you also need to add java bin folder location in PATH environment variable. This tutorial will help you to set JAVA_HOME on Windows 7/8/10 operating systems.

Step 1 – Edit Environment Variables

You can set environment variable by opening system properties dialog blog.

  • Type sysdm.cpl on run window or Right-click on My Computer and select Properties.

  • Go to Advanced tab.
  • Click Environment Variables… button.

Step 2 – Set JAVA_HOME on Windows

Now click on New button under system variables. An input dialog will open. Enter the following details. The variable value may differ as per installed Java version.

  Variable name:    JAVA_HOME
  Variable value:   C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_121

Step 3 – Set Path Variable on Windows

Additionally, You will also be required to add bin location of your java binaries to the systems Path variable. Edit PATH variable under system variables and append string ;%JAVA_HOME%\bin in variable value and save it.

Step 4 – Verify Settings

Finally, you may need to verify all the settings. To verify, open command prompt and type below commands to check JAVA_HOME and Path environment variables values.

C:\Users\Rahul> echo %JAVA_HOME%
C:\Users\Rahul> path

The result will be something like below.

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Ref From: tecadmin

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