How to Install NetBeans IDE 8.2 (PHP) on Ubuntu Desktop

Channel: Linux
Abstract: download NetBeans for PHP latest installer fileYou can download full version of NetBeans from official website or using this link. After complete down

NetBeans is the most popular IDE for development on Linux systems. NetBeans editor provides many pre-configured code templates and code generation tools for faster development support. This article will help you to install NetBeans IDE on Ubuntu Systems.

Step 1 – Install JAVA

Java is the primary requirement for the Netbeans installation on the system. Use below command to verify if Java is already installed or not.

java -version

java version "1.8.0_171"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_171-b11)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.171-b11, mixed mode)

If you don’t have Java installed, use tutorial => Install Java on Ubuntu

Step 2 – Download NetBeans (PHP) Installer

After installing/verifying java on your system, download NetBeans for PHP latest installer file, For following commands, we are running as root user.

sudo su -

You can download full version of NetBeans from official website or using this link. After complete download of installer file, make file executable and run it.

Step 3 – Install NetBeans IDE

Make the downloaded script executable and execute the script like below. As of today NetBeans 8.2 is the latest version is available to install, For more recent versions, visit official site.

chmod +x

The installer will launch an installation wizard. Follow the given instructions and complete the wizard.

Complete above installer by clicking Next and Accept terms for uses.

Step 4 – Open NetBeans IDE

After finishing the installation of NetBeans start using Dashboard search box, Type 「NetBeans」 and it will display launcher icon. Click on the icon to launch Netbeans IDE.

Congratulation’s! you have successfully installed NetBeans IDE for PHP on Ubuntu system. Enjoy coding.

Ref From: tecadmin

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