How to Install On Ubuntu, Debian & LinuxMint

Channel: Linux
Abstract: Now execute the following commands to install MongoDB on your system. Visit here for detailed installation instructions about latest mongodb. sudo apt

MEAN is a full-stack JavaScript-based framework, which accelerates web application development much faster than other frameworks. This tutorial will help you to install Mean stack on Ubuntu, Debian and LinuxMint systems.

MEAN.IO have following requirements, to be pre-installed on the system.

  • Node.js
  • MongoDB
  • Git client

First of all, install Nodejs and NPM on your system by running the following commands on your system.

curl -sL | sudo bash -
sudo apt-get install nodejs

Now execute the following commands to install MongoDB on your system. Visit here for detailed installation instructions about latest mongodb.

sudo apt-get install mongodb mongodb-server

Now install some more required packages for working with

sudo apt-get install git
sudo npm install gulp
Setup Stack

Let’s clone the source code from its official git repository and install the required node modules.

git clone --depth 1
cd mean && npm install
Start Application

Now use the following command to start the node development server. This option is not recommended for production use.

npm start

Then, open a browser and go to:


Ref From: tecadmin

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