fff - A Simple Fast File Manager for Linux

Channel: File Managers Linux
Abstract: $ fffmark all for trash (~/.local/share/fff/trash/)

fff (fast file-manager) is a simple, blazing fast and minimal file manager for Linux, written in bash. It only requires bash and coreutils, and its highly optimized now for efficient performance.

It’s other key features are:

  • It’s super blazing fast
  • Smooth Scrolling (using vim keybindings)
  • Supports LS_COLORS
  • Support common file Operations (copy, paste, rename, cut, etc).
  • Instant as you type search
  • Supports tab completion for all commands
  • Display images with w3m-img!
  • Supports automatic CD on exit.
How to Install fff – Fast File Manager in Linux

To install fff on Linux, first you need to clone the project github repository using following git command.

$ git clone https://github.com/dylanaraps/fff.git

Change working directory to fff and run make install inside the script directory to install the script.

$ cd fff
$ make install

Note: fff can be easily uninstalled using make uninstall command. This removes all of files from your system.

Alternatively, you can copy or move fff script from the local repository to a directory in your $PATH.

$ echo $PATH
$ cd fff
$ cp fff /home/aaronkilik/bin/
Install fff in Linux

To launch fff from the terminal, simply run:

$ fff
$ fff /home/aaronkilik/bin
Start fff – File Manager in Linux

You can use the following keybindings:

j: scroll down
k: scroll up
h: go to parent dir
l: go to child dir

enter: go to child dir
backspace: go to parent dir

-: Go to previous dir.

g: go to top
G: go to bottom

:: go to a directory by typing.

.: toggle hidden files
/: search
t: go to trash
~: go to home
!: open shell in current dir

x: view file/dir attributes
i: display image with w3m-img

down:  scroll down
up:    scroll up
left:  go to parent dir
right: go to child dir

f: new file
n: new dir
r: rename

y: mark copy
m: mark move
d: mark trash (~/.local/share/fff/trash/)
s: mark symbolic link
b: mark bulk rename

Y: mark all for copy
M: mark all for move
D: mark all for trash (~/.local/share/fff/trash/)
S: mark all for symbolic link
B: mark all for bulk rename

p: paste/move/delete/bulk_rename
c: clear file selections

[1-9]: favourites/bookmarks (see customization)

q: exit with 'cd' (if enabled).
Ctrl+C: exit without 'cd'.

You can find more customization options in fff’s Github repository: https://github.com/dylanaraps/fff.

fff (fast file-manager) is simple, blazing fast and minimal file manager written in bash. In this article, we showed how to setup fff in Linux. Use the feedback form below to reach us for any questions or comments.

Ref From: tecmint

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