Best day to Upload YouTube Videos to get More Views

Channel: Video Production Guides Linux
Abstract: I discuss an simple way to exactly figure out the best day and time to upload YouTube videos to get more views on YouTube in 2020. This approach is ba

In this article, I discuss an simple way to exactly figure out the best day and time to upload YouTube videos to get more views on YouTube in 2020. This approach is based on the total number of views achieved on any given weekday and combining that knowledge with the your viewers geolocation data.

To get started, go to your YouTube Studio, go to Analytics, click on See More, click the Total check-mark under video, and chose an appropriate range to do the analysis for, e.g. the last two years (see figure below).

To export your daily view numbers, click on the arrow down symbol in the top right-hand corner.

Then, click on the Google Sheets (new tab) drop down menu option.

Here, go to the third sheet (Totals) and generate a new column by clicking on Insert and Column right.

This column will be used to give each date a specific weekday, such that we can get the total number of views per day. Let’s give the new column a useful name, i.e. 「Weekday」.

Next, enter the following code in the first cell =TEXT(A2,」ddd」)

Drag this field all the way to the bottom of your Google sheet.

Select the entire 「Weekday」 and 「Views」 columns and click on Insert followed by Chart.

In the chart options, click on Chart type Column Chart.

Finally, hit Aggregate under X-axis.

This should result in a nice bar chart revealing the weekday with most views.

On my channel, Saturday generally gets most views, followed by Sunday.

So for me it makes sense to upload either on a Friday or early on Saturday.

Note that depending on your content, the most busy day can vary!

Finally, to better understand at which time you likely get the most views, go back to you YouTube analytics and click on the Geography tab. Here you can see that in my example the US gets most views:

I can go even into more detail by clicking on the US which reveals that the state of California generates most views on my channel.

For those of you who are interested, these are my personal statistics of the the best day to upload (update on the 14th April 2020): My YouTube views per day

Ref From: techguides

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