How to install Firefox 10 on CentOS 6 / RHEL 6

Channel: Centos/Redhat
Abstract: Firefox may crash when closing a tab with a Java applet installed. Some users may experience a crash when moving bookmarks. Here is the tutorial about

Firefox 10 has been released last week and it is available for CentOS 6 / RHEL 6 via remi repository. Source code is available in over 70 languages includes fully localized and testing localized version, it also reported most add-ons are now compatible with Firefox 10.




The following are the Minor changes in Firefox 10.

  1. The forward button is now hidden until you navigate back.
  2. Most add-ons are now compatible with new versions of Firefox by default.
  3. Full Screen APIs allow you to build a web application that runs full screen.
  4. added IndexedDB APIs to more closely match the specification.
  5. Mac OS X only – after installing the latest Java release from Apple, Firefox may crash when closing a tab with a Java applet installed.
  6. Some users may experience a crash when moving bookmarks.

Here is the tutorial about installing Firefox 10 on CentOS 6 / RHEL 6.

Open Terminal ( Applications  —> System Tools  —> Terminal).

Switch to root user.

[raj@geeksite~/$ su

Install Repository.

[root@geeksite~/] rpm -Uvh
[root@geeksite~/] rpm -Uvh

Install or Update Mozilla Firefox10.

[root@geeksite~/] yum install firefox

## or ##

[root@geeksite~/] yum update firefox

Start Mozilla Firefox 10 ( Applications —> Internet —> Firefox 10).


[root@geeksite~/] firefox

Confirm the Mozilla Firefox version by going to Help  —–> About Firefox.

That’s All.

Ref From: itzgeek

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