Linux-Dash Web based Monitoring tool for Ubuntu 14.10 / 14.04

Channel: Ubuntu
Abstract: CPU information and IO statswhich are prerequisite packages for Linux-dash. $ sudo apt-get install git apache2 php5 php5-json wget unzip Configuring L

Linux-dash is a web-based dashboard for monitoring Linux servers,  it offers us to monitor all the basic component that system admin want to know what is happening on system. Real-time monitoring includes system properties such as system info, memory information, CPU information and IO stats, not limited to CPU, RAM,disk and network utilization. It also offers to monitor user accounts with login details and installed application. Main dis-advantage is that it does not keep the history of system statistics.

Linux-dash supports a wide range of Linux flavors, of course it do supports ubuntu. Since it is a web-based tool, you must have either of the web server (apache or nginx) installed on your machine. Here i will be using apache as a web server, you can also look at configuring nginx for Linux-dash.


Before installing, use the following command to refresh the repository.

$ sudo apt-get update

Install apache, php5 and php5-json,  which are prerequisite packages for Linux-dash.

$ sudo apt-get install git apache2 php5 php5-json wget unzip
Configuring Linux-dash:

Now clone github on your machine

$ git clone

$ sudo mv linux-dash/ /var/www/html/


Download the source and extract the download file.

$ wget

$ unzip

$ sudo mv linux-dash-master/ /var/www/html/linux-dash/

Now it’s the time to monitor server. Open up the web browser and visit http://your-ip-address/linux-dash. The following screen shot shows dasboard on Ubuntu 14.10, main page gives you all the information about system, memory, CPU and IO details.

Linux-dash on Ubuntu 14.10

Check out the  remaining tabs, which will give you more insight about the system.

Visit Github for more information on system monitoring.

That’s All.

Ref From: itzgeek

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