Fedora Server 23 Installation – Step by Step with screen shot

Channel: Fedora
Abstract: so whatever partition you are creating here will be logical instead on standard partition. You can click on scroll button (LVM) for more partitioning

Fedora Server 23 has been released today (03-11-2015), here I am bringing you the guide on step by step installation of fedora release 23. Fedora offers three installation images separately for workstation, server and cloud. The following guide is created based on Fedora Server 23.

What’s new in Fedora Server 23:
  • Fedora 23 features the 4.2.0 kernel.
  • The Anaconda installer has been completely ported to Python 3 in Fedora 23.
  • Rescue mode has been reworked to use the same interface as the text mode installer instead of ncurses.
  •  New command: reqpart. This command creates any partitions which are required by your hardware platform.

More details can be found here.

System Requirements:

The following is the recommended system configuration for Fedora server 23.

1GHz or faster processor
1GB System Memory
10GB unallocated drive space

Find full requirements here. Download Fedora Server 23 from here, put the CD on the CD-ROM drive, change the boot sequence accordingly, so that CD-ROM can boot first.

Fedora Server 23 Installation:

Step 1: For installing the Fedora, Select Install Fedora Server 23.

PS: Installation of Fedora 23 is no difference from the installation of Fedora 21, so you would find most of the screenshots are of Fedora server 21 installation.

Fedora Server 23 Installation – Selecting Fedora

Step 2: Select the language and continue.

Fedora Server 21 – Select Language

Step 3: Next step is the installation summary, you must require to give an input to clear the warning messages. Other settings are optional. If you want to change the setting, you can click on it; corresponding page will open.

Fedora Server 21 – Installation Summary

Step 4: As per the above screen shot, i have a warning for installation destination. I’ve clicked on Installation destination to create a partition for the installation.

You can choose either automatic partition or manual partition.

Automatic Partitioning:

Instead of creating any partition, you can click on done button to tell the system to create an automatic partition.

Fedora Server 21 – Auto Partitioning Done

Once you clicked, you will go back to installation summary where you can find the installation destination is 「Automatic Partitioning Selected

Fedora Server 21 – Auto Partitioning Summary

You can skip the following step and go to step 5.

Manual Partitioning:

Partition scheme will be like below, / partition is with LVM.

/boot – 200MB

swap – 2048MB

/ – remaining (45GB)

Select hard disk and choose i will configure partitioning, then click on Done button.

Fedora Server 21 – Manual Partitioning

You will get the following page, where you can create a partitions. By default, LVM partitioning scheme is selected, so whatever partition you are creating here will be logical instead on standard partition. You can click on scroll button (LVM) for more partitioning scheme.

Fedora Server 21 – Create Mount point

Click on + sign at the bottom to create partitions. Following shows for /boot partition.

Fedora Server 21 – Manual Partitioning boot

Following for swap partition, make sure you to select mount point as swap.

Fedora Server 21- Manual Partitioning swap

Following for / (root) partition, if you do not enter any amount; it will take all remaining space.

Fedora Server 21 – Manual Partitioning root

The following is the summary of partitions that we had created. Click on done.

Fedora Server 21 – Manual Partitioning Summary

Click on accept changes for formatting the partitions.

Fedora Server 21 – Manual Partitioning Accept Changes

Once you clicked, you will go back to installation summary where you can find the installation destination is 「Custom Partitioning Selected

Fedora Server 21 – Manual Partitioning Installation Summary

Step 5: If you click on Date and Time, you will get the following page to change the Date and Time / Time zone. Click on done to save.

Fedora Server 21 – Date and Time

Step 6: If you click on Software Selection, you will get the following page to change the type of installation. Click on done to save.

Fedora Server 21 – Software Selection

Step 7: If you click on Network and Host name, you will get the following page to set up network and host name. Set hostname in Hostname field.

Fedora Server 21 – Set Network

Click on configure to set IP address. Once completed, click on save and then click on Done.

Fedora Server 21 – Network IP Address

Step 8: Click on begin installation to start the installation.

Fedora Server 21 – Begin Installation

Step 9: Once you clicked, installer will start to install the packages. In the mean time, we need to clear the following warning.

Fedora Server 21 – Installing

Step 10: Set root password by clicking on ROOT PASSWORD.

Fedora Server 21 – Set root password

Step 11: Create a new user by clicking on USER CREATION.

Fedora Server 21 – User Creation

Step 12: Once the installation is completed, click on reboot.

Fedora Server 21 – Installation Successful

The following screenshot shows login screen of Fedora Server 23.

Fedora Server 23 – Login Screen


By default Cockpit ( Web-based server management ) is installed during Fedora 23 setup. You can access the Cockpit by going to https://ip-add-ress:9090/. Login with the credential of root account.

Fedora Server 23 – Cockpit Management

That’s All.

Ref From: itzgeek

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