How to Move Joomla! Site from Old Server to a New Server

Channel: Joomla Others
Abstract: database to New server by using the PhpMyAdmin. Test the new Joomlainstallation. Make a folder on windows and download all files to that folder using

Joomla! is the one of the most widely used content management

system in the word wide web. Some time you may plan to move

Joomla! from one hosting to another hosting for any reason

such like Poor service and Support. If you are running a website,

you may have Joomla! with Several

3 rd party modules and components and you don’t want to install fresh one.  This article explains  How-To move Joomla! from old server to the new server.


Backup old Joomla! Website:

The first thing you need to  backup all files of your old website Joomla! installation. Make a folder on windows and download all files to that folder using ftp. You can use the  FileZilla client to download the files from the old server

Backup or Export Old Joomla! database:

Note: In your Web hosting  Cpanel Control panel you will find the PhpMYAdmin in the Database Section. This will help you to Export the Database from Old Server.

The second thing you need to  export your Joomla! database. Export the database in SQL format not with any other format .  Make sure to export the complete database.

 Edit the configuration.php

Open the folder where you saved the Old Joomla! files, in that folder you will find the  「configuration.php」. Open this file with a Notepad or Word pad, and make the necessary changes.  The following argument are necessary for the Joomla! to run on new server.

  • $host               – New Database host. In most of the time, this will be 「localhost,」 but if you are using a different server for your database, you  need to change this value.
  • $user               –  New Database user. Change this if it is different from the user on your other server.
  • $password   – New Database user’s password.
  • $db                    – New Database name.
  • $tmp_path  – Absolute path to the tmp directory on your server. It look like 「/path/to/joomla/installation/tmp.」
  • $log_path     – Absolute path to the logs directory on your server. It  look  like 「/path/to/joomla/installation/logs.」
  • $live_site     – This  is optional. You can  leave it blank, but if you use it, this is the URL of your site. It will  look like 「」 or 「」

Other things like ftp user name, password or ftp host and mail service can configure later on using Joomla! administration.

Upload all file to  new server:

Upload all files that you have downloaded from Old Server to New Sever by using the FileZilla Client.

Import old  database to  new MySQL server:

Create the New database with the same name that you mentioned in the configuration.php. Import the old Joomla! database to New server by using the PhpMyAdmin.

 Test the new Joomla! website:

All are over now test your site to make sure that everything is proper placed.

Ref From: itzgeek

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