How to install Ubuntu 15.10 Server – Wily Werewolf

Channel: Ubuntu
Abstract: change the boot sequence according to the USB mass storage to boot first. Select the Language and press Enter. Install Ubuntu 15.10 Server – Select la
Ubuntu Server Edition

Ubuntu 15.10 has been released on 22 october 2015, it will be supported for 9 months. This guide will help you to get Ubuntu installed on you machine, before going to installation; let’s take a look at what is new in this release.

  1. Ubuntu 15.10 comes with 4.2 kernel.
  2. Ubuntu 15.10 includes the latest OpenStack release


Download Ubuntu 15.10 from More, put the CD on the CD-ROM drive, change the boot sequence accordingly so that CD-ROM can boot first.


If you want to install Ubuntu from the USB flash Disk, change the boot sequence according to the USB mass storage to boot first.

Select the Language and press Enter.

Install Ubuntu 15.10 Server – Select language

For installing the Ubuntu 15.10, Select Install Ubuntu 15.10.

Install Ubuntu 15.10 Server – Menu

Select the language of your choice, this will be default language for the installed system.

Install Ubuntu 15.10 Server – Language

Select your geographical location.

Install Ubuntu 15.10 Server – Location

Select No to manually set up a keyboard layout.

Install Ubuntu 15.10 Server – Configure the keyboard

Now, select the country of origin for the keyboard of this computer.

Install Ubuntu 15.10 Server – Configure the keyboard

select the keyboard layout.

Install Ubuntu 15.10 Server – Keyboard Layout

Set the hostname for your machine.

Install Ubuntu 15.10 Server – Host name

Enter full name for your login account.

Install Ubuntu 15.10 Server – Full Name

Enter the username for your account.

Install Ubuntu 15.10 Server – Account Name

Set the password for the account you just created.

Install Ubuntu 15.10 Server – Set Password

Re-enter the password to verify.

Install Ubuntu 15.10 Server – Re Enter Password

If you want to encrypt your home directory, select Yes. Otherwise select No.

Install Ubuntu 15.10 Server – Encryption

If you have internet connectivity to your system, installer will automatically set you the Time zone. If time zone is not set properly, select No to manually set the time zone. In my case, time zone is set automatically by the ubuntu installer.

Install Ubuntu 15.10 Server – Time zone

On the partitioning screen, select the partitioning method. For a demo, I chose Guided – use entire disk and set up LVM.  This option will do automatic partition for filesystem with LVM.

Install Ubuntu 15.10 Server – Guided Partitioning Scheme

Select the hard disk to create partitions.

Install Ubuntu 15.10 Server – Select Hard Disk

Confirm changes.

Install Ubuntu 15.10 Server – LVM

Mention the size of the volume group, you keep the default.

Install Ubuntu 15.10 Server – Disk Size

Select Yes to write the changes to disks.

Install Ubuntu 15.10 Server – Writing the changes

Set HTTP proxy to connect your machine with internet.

Install Ubuntu 15.10 Server – Proxy

Select how do you want to manage upgrades on this machine.

Install Ubuntu 15.10 Server – Auto Updates

Select the software that you want to install along with the OS installation, i chose to install OpenSSH server for ssh connectivity.

Install Ubuntu 15.10 Server – Software Selection

Now, system will start installing the packages.

Install Ubuntu 15.10 Server – Installing Software

Select Yes to install the GRUB boot loader to the master boot record.

Install Ubuntu 15.10 Server – Install GRUB

Ubuntu 15.10 installation is completed, select Continue to reboot the system.

Install Ubuntu 15.10 Server – Reboot Server

Login with your username and password.

Install Ubuntu 15.10 Server – Login Screen

That’s All. You have successfully installed Ubuntu 15.10.

Ref From: itzgeek

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