How to Enable Short Open Tag (short_open_tag) in PHP

Channel: Linux
Abstract: > tags to write php code. Enable Short Tag in PHP To enable short_open_tag edit PHP configuration file> tags. Generally php users used

short_open_tag directive determines whether or not PHP will recognize code written between <??> tags. Generally php users used <?php?> tags to write php code.

Enable Short Tag in PHP

To enable short_open_tag edit PHP configuration file 「php.ini」 and set following value to On. Default this value is set to Off.

 short_open_tag = On

After making above changes restart Apache service.

Verify Short Tag in Enabled

To verify that short tag is enabled in your PHP configuration. Create a file check.php with following content.


Now execute this script using the command line or access file in a web browser.

php check.php

Result if PHP Short Tag is On:

PHP short open tag test

Result if PHP short tag is Off: This will display PHP code on screen.

echo "PHP short open tag test";

Ref From: tecadmin

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