Ebook: Introducing the Ansible Setup Guide for Linux

Channel: eBooks Linux
Abstract: or Salt) – just a passwordless SSH connection between the controller system and the remote nodes. Once you start using Ansibleyou will be able to depl

If you are a system administrator in charge of setting up, provisioning and configuring hosts, you know how tedious such a repetitive task can become over time – even if you love your job.

Perhaps you wish there were other things you could do with your time instead of babysitting servers as they are being prepared for use. And what if in the rush of things you forget to do something or start a critical service on a given host? We are sure you will agree these scenarios are not very attractive when you are dealing with delivery deadlines.

Ansible Setup Guide for Linux

Do you feel somewhat identified by the above statements? If so, we’ve got great news for you. In this 3-article series, we will introduce you to Ansible, a tool we are sure you will love.

Ansible is an open-source, powerful automation software for configuring, managing, and deploying software applications on remote nodes. To perform these operations, no downtime is required on either the controller machine (where Ansible is installed) or the machines that are provisioned through it.

In addition, there is no need for agents running on the remote hosts (as is the case with other similar automation tools such as Puppet, Chef, or Salt) – just a passwordless SSH connection between the controller system and the remote nodes.

Once you start using Ansible, you will be able to deploy and provision remote hosts in a snap. In addition, not only can you install and start services, but you can configure them as per your requirements in the same process. You will not have to rely on error-prone shell scripts for this anymore. We repeat – you’ll love Ansible.

To access these materials in PDF format, for that reason, we present you with the chance to buy this Ansible ebook for $10.00 as a limited offer. With your purchase, you will help support the Tecmint site and ensure that we can continue producing more high-quality articles for free on a regular basis as always.

We hope that you enjoy starting out with Ansible as much as we enjoyed writing this series. As always, do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions or suggestions to improve this and the rest of the content we offer.

Ref From: tecmint
Channels: linux ebooks

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