RHCSA Series: How to Manage Users and Groups in RHEL 7 - Part 3

Channel: RHCSA Linux Certifications Linux
Abstract: User and Group Management – Part 3 Managing User Accounts To add a new user account to a RHEL 7 serverDeleting a group or an user account To delete a

Managing a RHEL 7 server, as it is the case with any other Linux server, will require that you know how to add, edit, suspend, or delete user accounts, and grant users the necessary permissions to files, directories, and other system resources to perform their assigned tasks.

RHCSA: User and Group Management – Part 3 Managing User Accounts

To add a new user account to a RHEL 7 server, you can run either of the following two commands as root:

# adduser [new_account]
# useradd [new_account]

When a new user account is added, by default the following operations are performed.

  1. His/her home directory is created (/home/username unless specified otherwise).
  2. These .bash_logout, .bash_profile and .bashrc hidden files are copied inside the user’s home directory, and will be used to provide environment variables for his/her user session. You can explore each of them for further details.
  3. A mail spool directory is created for the added user account.
  4. A group is created with the same name as the new user account.

The full account summary is stored in the /etc/passwd file. This file holds a record per system user account and has the following format (fields are separated by a colon):

[username]:[x]:[UID]:[GID]:[Comment]:[Home directory]:[Default shell]
  1. These two fields [username] and [Comment] are self explanatory.
  2. The second filed ‘x’ indicates that the account is secured by a shadowed password (in /etc/shadow), which is used to logon as [username].
  3. The fields [UID] and [GID] are integers that shows the User IDentification and the primary Group IDentification to which [username] belongs, equally.


  1. The [Home directory] shows the absolute location of [username]’s home directory, and
  2. [Default shell] is the shell that is commit to this user when he/she logins into the system.

Another important file that you must become familiar with is /etc/group, where group information is stored. As it is the case with /etc/passwd, there is one record per line and its fields are also delimited by a colon:

[Group name]:[Group password]:[GID]:[Group members]


  1. [Group name] is the name of group.
  2. Does this group use a group password? (An 「x」 means no).
  3. [GID]: same as in /etc/passwd.
  4. [Group members]: a list of users, separated by commas, that are members of each group.

After adding an account, at anytime, you can edit the user’s account information using usermod, whose basic syntax is:

# usermod [options] [username]

Read Also:
15 ‘useradd’ Command Examples
15 ‘usermod’ Command Examples

EXAMPLE 1: Setting the expiry date for an account

If you work for a company that has some kind of policy to enable account for a certain interval of time, or if you want to grant access to a limited period of time, you can use the --expiredate flag followed by a date in YYYY-MM-DD format. To verify that the change has been applied, you can compare the output of

# chage -l [username]

before and after updating the account expiry date, as shown in the following image.

Change User Account Information EXAMPLE 2: Adding the user to supplementary groups

Besides the primary group that is created when a new user account is added to the system, a user can be added to supplementary groups using the combined -aG, or –append –groups options, followed by a comma separated list of groups.

EXAMPLE 3: Changing the default location of the user’s home directory and / or changing its shell

If for some reason you need to change the default location of the user’s home directory (other than /home/username), you will need to use the -d, or –home options, followed by the absolute path to the new home directory.

If a user wants to use another shell other than bash (for example, sh), which gets assigned by default, use usermod with the –shell flag, followed by the path to the new shell.

EXAMPLE 4: Displaying the groups an user is a member of

After adding the user to a supplementary group, you can verify that it now actually belongs to such group(s):

# groups [username]
# id [username]

The following image depicts Examples 2 through 4:

Adding User to Supplementary Group

In the example above:

# usermod --append --groups gacanepa,users --home /tmp --shell /bin/sh tecmint

To remove a user from a group, omit the --append switch in the command above and list the groups you want the user to belong to following the --groups flag.

EXAMPLE 5: Disabling account by locking password

To disable an account, you will need to use either the -L (lowercase L) or the –lock option to lock a user’s password. This will prevent the user from being able to log on.

EXAMPLE 6: Unlocking password

When you need to re-enable the user so that he can log on to the server again, use the -U or the –unlock option to unlock a user’s password that was previously blocked, as explained in Example 5 above.

# usermod --unlock tecmint

The following image illustrates Examples 5 and 6:

Lock Unlock User Account EXAMPLE 7: Deleting a group or an user account

To delete a group, you’ll want to use groupdel, whereas to delete a user account you will use userdel (add the –r switch if you also want to delete the contents of its home directory and mail spool):

# groupdel [group_name]        # Delete a group
# userdel -r [user_name]       # Remove user_name from the system, along with his/her home directory and mail spool

If there are files owned by group_name, they will not be deleted, but the group owner will be set to the GID of the group that was deleted.

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Ref From: tecmint
Channels: linux commands

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