Bash String Uppercase and Lowercase Conversion (4 Methods) – TecAdmin

Channel: Linux
Abstract: " uppercase_string=$(echo "$string" | awk '{print toupper($0)}') echo "$uppercase_string"123string="Hello" lowercase_string=$(echo "$string" | awk '{p

When working with text data in Bash scripts, it’s often necessary to manipulate the case of strings, converting them to either lowercase or uppercase. This article will provide a comprehensive guide on how to perform these operations in Bash using different techniques. By the end of this article, you’ll have a solid understanding of various methods to manipulate string case, and you’ll be able to choose the most suitable method for your specific use case.

Table of Contents
  1. Overview of String Case Conversion
  2. Using Bash Parameter Expansion
  3. Using the tr Command
  4. Using awk for Case Conversion
  5. Using sed for Case Conversion
  6. Conclusion
1. Overview of String Case Conversion

String case conversion is the process of converting a string’s characters to either lowercase or uppercase. This can be useful in various situations, such as making text data case-insensitive, normalizing user input, or preparing data for further processing. In Bash, there are several methods to perform these operations, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

2. Using Bash Parameter Expansion

Bash parameter expansion is a powerful feature that allows you to manipulate variables and their values in various ways. One of the parameter expansion techniques is case conversion, which can be used to change the case of strings:

2.1 Lowercase Conversion

To convert a string to lowercase, use the {variable,,} syntax:

string="Hello, World!" lowercase_string="${string,,}" echo "$lowercase_string"123string="Hello, World!"lowercase_string="${string,,}"echo "$lowercase_string"


hello, world!
2.2 Uppercase Conversion

To convert a string to uppercase, use the {variable^^} syntax:

string="Hello, World!" uppercase_string="${string^^}" echo "$uppercase_string"123string="Hello, World!"uppercase_string="${string^^}"echo "$uppercase_string"


3. Using the `tr` Command

The tr (translate) command is a versatile tool for transforming text. It can be used for case conversion by specifying the input and output character sets:

3.1 Lowercase Conversion

string="Hello, World!" lowercase_string=$(echo "$string" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') echo "$lowercase_string"123string="Hello, World!"lowercase_string=$(echo "$string" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')echo "$lowercase_string"


hello, world!
3.2 Uppercase Conversion

string="Hello, World!" uppercase_string=$(echo "$string" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') echo "$uppercase_string"123string="Hello, World!"uppercase_string=$(echo "$string" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')echo "$uppercase_string"


4. Using `awk` for Case Conversion

The `awk` command is another powerful text-processing tool in Unix-like systems. It can be used for case conversion by employing its built-in `tolower()` and `toupper()` functions:

4.1 Lowercase Conversion

string="Hello, World!" lowercase_string=$(echo "$string" | awk '{print tolower($0)}') echo "$lowercase_string"123string="Hello, World!"lowercase_string=$(echo "$string" | awk '{print tolower($0)}')echo "$lowercase_string"


hello, world!
4.2 Uppercase Conversion

string="Hello, World!" uppercase_string=$(echo "$string" | awk '{print toupper($0)}') echo "$uppercase_string"123string="Hello, World!"uppercase_string=$(echo "$string" | awk '{print toupper($0)}')echo "$uppercase_string"


5. Using `sed` for Case Conversion

The sed (stream editor) command is another option for case conversion. It can be used with regular expressions and special escape sequences for lowercasing and uppercasing characters:

5.1 Lowercase Conversion

string="Hello, World!" lowercase_string=$(echo "$string" | sed 's/[A-Z]/\L&/g') echo "$lowercase_string"123string="Hello, World!"lowercase_string=$(echo "$string" | sed 's/[A-Z]/\L&/g')echo "$lowercase_string"


hello, world!
5.2 Uppercase Conversion

string="Hello, World!" uppercase_string=$(echo "$string" | sed 's/[a-z]/\U&/g') echo "$uppercase_string"123string="Hello, World!"uppercase_string=$(echo "$string" | sed 's/[a-z]/\U&/g')echo "$uppercase_string"



In this article, we’ve explored various methods for converting string case in Bash, including Bash parameter expansion, the tr command, awk, and sed. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of the most suitable method depends on your specific use case and personal preferences.

Bash parameter expansion offers a simple and efficient way to perform case conversion directly within the script, while tr, awk, and sed provide more flexibility and can be used for more advanced text processing tasks.

By mastering these techniques, you’ll be able to manipulate string case effectively in your Bash scripts, improving your text processing capabilities and making your scripts more versatile and robust.

Ref From: tecadmin

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