How to Remove Substrings Using ${} in Bash Scripts – TecAdmin

Channel: Linux
Abstract: $substring"123string="programming_programming_programming"substring="${string##*_}"echo "Longest match$substring"123string="programming_programming_pr

String manipulation is a vital skill for any programmer or developer, and the ability to work with strings effectively can significantly enhance your efficiency and productivity. In Bash, one of the most common string operations is removing substrings from a given string. This article will guide you through the process of removing substrings using Parameter expansion 「${}」 in Bash scripts.

1. Understanding String Manipulation in Bash

Bash, or the Bourne-Again SHell, is a Unix shell and command-line interpreter. It is the default shell for most Linux distributions and macOS. Bash provides various ways to manipulate strings, such as concatenation, substitution, and expansion. One of the most powerful techniques for string manipulation in Bash is parameter expansion, which is denoted by ${}.

2. Removing Substrings Using Parameter Expansion

Parameter expansion allows you to perform several operations on strings, such as removing substrings, replacing substrings, and extracting substrings. In this article, we’ll focus on removing substrings.

a. Removing Prefixes

To remove a prefix (i.e., a substring from the beginning of a string), you can use the following syntax:


This will remove the shortest match of the substring from the beginning of the string. To remove the longest match, use:


b. Removing Suffixes

To remove a suffix (i.e., a substring from the end of a string), you can use the following syntax:


This will remove the shortest match of the substring from the end of the string. To remove the longest match, use:


3. Real-world Examples of Removing Substrings in Bash Scripts

In this section, we will provide descriptions and explanations for each example to help you understand how to remove substrings in various real-world scenarios.

Example 1: Remove file extension

In this example, we want to remove the file extension from a given filename.

filename="example.txt" basename="${filename%.*}" echo "Basename: $basename"123filename="example.txt"basename="${filename%.*}"echo "Basename: $basename"

Here, we use the syntax `${filename%.*}` to remove the shortest match of the substring `.*` from the end of the filename. The wildcard character `*` represents any sequence of characters following the period. The script will output the `basename` without the file extension:

Basename: example
Example 2: Remove a directory prefix

In this example, we want to remove the directory prefix from a given full file path.

full_path="/home/user/documents/file.txt" relative_path="${full_path#/home/user/}" echo "Relative path: $relative_path"123full_path="/home/user/documents/file.txt"relative_path="${full_path#/home/user/}"echo "Relative path: $relative_path"

We use the syntax `${full_path#/home/user/}` to remove the 「/home/user/」 prefix from the `full_path` variable. The script will output the relative path without the specified directory prefix:

Relative path: documents/file.txt
Example 3: Remove a protocol from a URL

In this example, we want to remove the protocol (e.g., 「https://」) from a given URL.

url="" domain="${url##*://}" echo "Domain: $domain"123url=""domain="${url##*://}"echo "Domain: $domain"

We use the syntax `${url##*://}` to remove the longest match of the substring `*://` from the beginning of the URL. The wildcard character `*` represents any sequence of characters preceding the ://. The script will output the domain without the protocol:


These examples demonstrate various use cases for removing substrings in Bash scripts. By understanding these examples and the underlying techniques, you can adapt and apply them to your specific needs.

4. Understand Shortest Match vs Longest Match Substring

In the context of removing substrings using parameter expansion in Bash, the terms 「shortest match」 and 「longest match」 refer to the extent of the substring being removed from the original string, depending on the wildcard patterns used.

Shortest match:

When using a single ‘#’ (for prefixes) or a single ‘%’ (for suffixes), Bash will remove the shortest matching substring from the original string. This means that if there are multiple matches in the original string, the expansion will only remove the smallest possible substring that matches the pattern.


string="programming_programming_programming" substring="${string#*_}" echo "Shortest match: $substring"123string="programming_programming_programming"substring="${string#*_}"echo "Shortest match: $substring"

Here, we use the syntax ${string#*_} to remove the shortest match of the substring *_ from the beginning of the string. The wildcard character * represents any sequence of characters before the underscore (_). The script will output:

Shortest match: programming_programming

As you can see, only the first instance of the pattern (i.e., the shortest match) is removed.

Longest match:

When using a double ‘##’ (for prefixes) or a double ‘%%’ (for suffixes), Bash will remove the longest matching substring from the original string. This means that if there are multiple matches in the original string, the expansion will remove the largest possible substring that matches the pattern.


string="programming_programming_programming" substring="${string##*_}" echo "Longest match: $substring"123string="programming_programming_programming"substring="${string##*_}"echo "Longest match: $substring"

Here, we use the syntax ${string##*_} to remove the longest match of the substring *_ from the beginning of the string. The wildcard character * represents any sequence of characters before the underscore (_). The script will output:

Longest match: programming

In this case, the largest possible substring that matches the pattern is removed.

In summary, the shortest match aims to remove the minimal matching substring, while the longest match seeks to remove the maximal matching substring according to the specified pattern.

5. Additional Tips and Tricks
  • Use wildcard characters (*) to represent any sequence of characters in the substring.
  • Use parameter expansion in combination with other string manipulation techniques for more complex operations.
  • Test your scripts with various input data to ensure the expected behavior.

Mastering string manipulation in Bash, especially removing substrings using ${}, can greatly improve your scripting skills and help you tackle complex tasks more efficiently. By understanding the syntax for removing prefixes and suffixes and practicing with real-world examples, you’ll become proficient in string manipulation and enhance your overall programming abilities.

Ref From: tecadmin

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