How to Escape Special Characters in Bash – TecAdmin

Channel: Linux
Abstract: PRICE=100 echo "I have $PRICE\$"12PRICE=100echo "I have $PRICE\$" This will outputecho "I have 100$"1echo "I have 100$" This will output

Bash, short for Bourne Again SHell, is the default command-line interpreter for many Linux distributions and MacOS. It provides a way for users to interact with these operating systems by executing commands. However, bash also includes a number of special characters that have unique meanings. Sometimes, these special characters can cause errors or unexpected behavior if they’re not handled correctly.

The process of removing the special meaning from characters is known as 「escaping」. Escaping is essential when you’re trying to use these characters as literals – that is, as themselves rather than as their special functions.

Special Characters in Bash

In bash, some of the most commonly used special characters include:

  • `$`: Variable substitution.
  • `#`: Comment.
  • `&`: Background job.
  • `*`: Matches any string in filename expansion.
  • `?`: Matches any single character in filename expansion.
  • `;`: Command separator.
  • `|`: Pipe, command chaining.
  • `>`: Redirect output.
  • `: Redirect input.
  • `()`: Command grouping.
  • `{}`: Command block.
  • `[]`: Character classes in filename expansion.
  • `‘`: Command substitution.
  • `「`: Partial quote.
  • `’`: Full quote.
  • `~`: Home directory.
  • `!`: History substitution.
  • `\`: Escape character.
Escaping Special Characters

To escape special characters in bash, you can generally precede the character with a backslash (\). This tells bash to interpret the next character literally. If you’re working with a string of text, placing it in single quotes (‘) will also escape all the special characters it contains.

Using a Backslash

For example, if you wanted to echo a string that includes a dollar sign ($), you could escape it with a backslash:

echo "I have 100\$"1echo "I have 100\$"

This will output: I have 100$

Without the backslash, bash will interpret $ as a variable:

echo "I have 100$"1echo "I have 100$"

This will output: I have 100

The `$` symbol is followed by nothing, hence it’s treated as an empty variable.

Using Single Quotes

Single quotes will escape all special characters:

echo 'I have 100$, # this is not a comment'1echo 'I have 100$, # this is not a comment'

This will output: I have 100$, # this is not a comment

Note that inside single quotes, not even the backslash will be interpreted as an escape character. It will be treated as a regular character.

Double Quotes

Double quotes can also be used to escape most special characters, but unlike single quotes, they still allow for variable and command substitution:

PRICE=100 echo "I have $PRICE\$"12PRICE=100echo "I have $PRICE\$"

This will output: I have 100$

In this case, bash substitutes $PRICE with the value of the PRICE variable, and \ escapes the dollar sign so that it’s interpreted as a literal character.


Escaping special characters is an important skill when working with bash or any other shell scripting language. It’s crucial to understand how and when to use escaping to prevent errors and unexpected behavior. Always keep in mind that the method you choose to escape special characters in bash should depend on your specific needs.

Ref From: tecadmin

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