How to Install Latest LAMP Stack in RHEL-based Distributions

Channel: RedHat Fedora CentOS Linux
Abstract: Install Epel and Remi in Rocky & AlmaLinux # yum install epel-releaseInstall Remi Repo in Fedora # dnf install http

If you are a system administrator, a developer, or a DevOps engineer, chances are that at some point you’ve had to set up (or work with) a LAMP (Linux / Apache / MySQL or MariaDB / PHP) stack.

The web and database servers, along with the well-known server-side language, are not available in their latest versions from the major distributions’ official repositories. If you like to play or work with cutting-edge software, you will need to either install them from a source or use a third-party repository.

In this article, we will introduce Remi, a third-party repository that includes up-to-date versions of Apache 2.4, MySQL 8.0 / MariaDB 10.3, PHP 8.0, and related software, for RHEL-based distributions.

It is important to note, however, that Remi is currently available (at the time of this writing – November 2021) for the following distributions:

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS 8/7
  • Rocky Linux and AlmaLinux 8
  • Fedora 35/34 and 33

With that in mind, let’s begin.

Installing the Remi Repository in RHEL-based Distributions

Before we can actually install Remi, we need to enable the EPEL repository first. In Fedora, it should be enabled by default, but in RHEL, Rocky Linux, AlmaLinux, and CentOS you will need to do:

Install Epel and Remi Repo in RHEL
--------- On RHEL/CentOS 8 --------- 
# yum install  
# yum install   
# yum update

--------- On RHEL/CentOS 7 --------- 
# yum install  
# yum install   
# yum update
Install Epel and Remi in Rocky & AlmaLinux
# yum install epel-release
# yum install 
# yum update
Install Remi Repo in Fedora
# dnf install   [On Fedora 34]
# dnf install   [On Fedora 34]
# dnf install   [On Fedora 33]
# dnf install   [On Fedora 32]

By default, Remi is not enabled. To change this temporarily when you need it, you can do:

# yum --enablerepo=remi install package

where package represents the package you want to install.

If you want to enable Remi permanently, edit /etc/yum.repos.d/remi.repo and replace



A Closer Look at this Remi Repository

If you decided to enable the repository permanently as suggested earlier, it should be listed when you run:

# yum repolist

As you can see in the following image, another repository named remi-safe is available as well:

List Yum Repositories

This repository provides extensions that are either deprecated (but still used in legacy applications), under work-in-process, or that do not comply with Fedora’s policies.

Now let’s search the newly added repositories for PHP-related packages as an example:

# yum list php*

Please note that packages in Remi have the same name as in the official repositories. Consider, for example, php:

List PHP Packages

To install the latest stable version of PHP 8, you can do:

------ for PHP 8 ------ 
# yum module reset php
# yum module install php:remi-8.0

------ for PHP 7 ------ 
# yum module reset php
# yum module install php:remi-7.4
Install Latest PHP in Linux

To install the latest stable version of MariaDB, you can do:

# yum --enablerepo=remi install mariadb-server mariadb
Install MariaDB in Linux

To install the latest stable version of MySQL, you can do:

# yum --enablerepo=remi install mysql-server mysql
Install MySQL in Linux

Similarly, to install the latest version of LAMP Stack, do:

# yum --enablerepo=remi install php httpd mariadb-server mariadb
# yum --enablerepo=remi install php httpd mysql-server mysql
Install Latest LAMP Stack Summary

In this article, we have explained how to enable and use Remi, a third-party repository that provides the latest versions of components of the LAMP stack and related software.

The official website provides a configuration wizard that can be very useful to set it up in other RPM-based distributions.

As always, don’t hesitate to let us know if you have questions or comments about this article. Just drop us a line using the form below and we will respond as soon as possible.

Ref From: tecmint

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