Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) Installation Guide with Screenshots

Channel: Linux
Abstract: 2 Click on ‘Install Ubuntu‘ Option Stepthen select ‘Encrypt the new Ubuntu installation for security‘. In my case i am creating customize partition ta

Ubuntu 14.04 LTS has been released officially & code name is Trusty Tahr. Ubuntu is the fastest growing desktop operating system , to download the ISO file use below links:

Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 32-bit
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64-bit

Some of the new features of Ubuntu 14.04 LTS are listed below :

  •     New kernel 3.13
  •     Python 3.4
  •     Libreoffice-4.2.3
  •     AppArmor with lot of new feature
  •     Xorg-15.01 (Display Server)
  •     Ubuntu Desktop – Unity with lot of new features
  •     Upstart 1.12.1
  •    Oxide – Oxide is a webview based on Chromium to deliver web content. Oxide allows us to better support 3rd party developers and applications within the Ubuntu archive by providing a fast, secure and up to date webengine library for the duration of the LTS

In this article we will discuss the installation steps of Ubuntu 14.04 .

Step:1 Write the downloaded ISO file into USB drive or in DVD and boot your system with USB Drive / DVD & will get below welcome Screen.

Step:2 Click on ‘Install Ubuntu‘ Option

Step:3 Prepare to Install Ubuntu, make sure your system has enough free space (atleast 6.4 GB) , connected  to Internet  & power source

Click on Continue…

Step:4 Installation Type : You can select default option , in which data on disk will be erased , if you want your customize partition table ,then select ‘Something else’ option . If you want encrypt the drive , then select ‘Encrypt the new Ubuntu installation for security‘.

In my case i am creating customize partition table by selecting ‘something else’

Step:5 Create Partitions as per your requirement. In my case i am creating /boot – 500 MB , swap-2048 MB and / – 10240 MB .

Click on Install Now…..

Step:6 Select your Respective Time Zone

Step:7  Select Keyboard Layout

click on Continue….

Step:8  Set the HostName and User Name with the password.

Click on Continue….

Step:9 Installation Started as shown below

Step:10 After the installation is completed , it will ask you to reboot the Machine.

Step:11 Login Prompt after installation – Use same credentials that you have set during installation

Step:12  Screen After the Entering the Credentials

Ref From: linuxtechi
Channels: Ubuntu 14.04

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