How to Install Google Chrome Web Browser on Ubuntu 20.04

Channel: Linux
Abstract: type ‘google-chrome‘ command. $ google-chrome output Click on ‘OK’ Now let’s move to alternate way to install Google Chrome. Google Chrome Installatio

Google Chrome is most widely used web browser. It allows the users to surf internet faster, safer & easier. Google chrome is not an open source software that’s why it is not available in the default package repositories of Ubuntu. So to install chrome, first we must download the  google chrome debain package from google itself and then install it.

In this post, we will discuss two different ways to install google chrome in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS system. Below steps will also be applicable for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS system.

Google Chrome Installation via Terminal

Open the terminal using the short-cut keys ‘Ctl+Alt+t‘ and run following wget command to download chrome debian package,

$ wget

Run below dpkg command to install google chrome,

$ sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb

Above output confirms that Google chrome has been installed successfully. So to start google chrome from terminal, type ‘google-chrome‘ command.

$ google-chrome


Click on ‘OK’

Now let’s move to alternate way to install Google Chrome.

Google Chrome Installation via Graphically (GUI)

Google chrome on Ubuntu Linux can easily be installed via graphically. Please refer the beneath steps for the same.

1) Start the web browser and type following URL and hit enter

2) Click on Download Chrome

Choose ‘64 bit .deb‘ option and then click on ‘Accept and Install

3) Install with ‘Software Install’ tool

Choose ‘Open with + Software Install‘ and then click on ‘OK’. This will start the installation once the download is completed.

In case Installation does not start automatically then go to downloads folder and right click on downloaded Debian package and choose ‘Open with Software Install

In the following screen, click on ‘Install‘ , this will start the installation.

Once the installation is completed, close this window and access google chrome.

4) Access Google Chrome Web Browser.

To access Google Chrome, go to dash and search chrome,

Click on Icon, it will start Google Chrome web browser,

That’s all from this post. I hope you have it informative. Please do share your feedback and comments in below comments section.

Also Read: How to Run Linux Shell Command / Script in Background

Ref From: linuxtechi

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