Use Fedora 23 Cloud image in Red Hat OpenStack

Channel: Linux
Abstract: 3 Launch Instance of Fedora 23 From the Dashboard go to Instance option from the Project Tab. Click onInstance Boot source ( Boot image) and Image Nam

Fedora 23 Cloud images are available for download. In this post will use fedora 23 cloud image and will launch it from dashboard(Horizon). I am assuming that OpenStack is already up and running.

Step:1 Download the Fedora 23 Cloud image from terminal.
[[email protected] ~]# wget
Step:2 Upload the Image from Dashboard.

Login to the dashboard. In my case i am using 「Robert」 as a User with admin privileges.

Go to Project Tab and select Images option and then Click on create Image,

Specify the Image Name, description and image source (image file) & image Type

Click on create Image.

As we can see image is created.

Step:3 Launch Instance of Fedora 23

From the Dashboard go to Instance option from the Project Tab. Click on 「Launch Instance

Define the Instance Name, Instance Boot source ( Boot image) and Image Name.

Select the appropriate Security Group and Networking for the instance and then click on Launch.

Step:4 Associate Floating or Public ip to the instance.

Once the floating ip is associated with instance then we can access the instance from outside.

Click on 「Associate Floating IP

Step:5 Access the Fedora 23 instance

As we know that we don’t know user’s or root password of cloud images. So we will be accessing it using keys. In my case i have already generate the keys with name 「fedora-ssh-keys」. Also we need to make sure that permissions of keys should be 「600」.

Ref From: linuxtechi

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