Enable Proxy Settings for Yum Command on RHEL and CentOS Servers

Channel: Linux
Abstract: export ftp_proxy= httpproxy=http

In most of the data center direct Internet connection is not allowed on Unix and Windows Servers. If we need to download anything from Internet we have to go through via some proxy servers. In case of Linux Servers whenever we need to install new packages and apply patches in such scenarios we have to set proxy for yum command.

This can be easily achieved with yum config file 「/etc/yum.conf「. Under main section define the proxy settings like below:


Save and exit the file and start using the yum command. Sample yum Config file with proxy settings is shown below :

Just for the verification you can run beneath command to see whether you are able to fetch the packages or not.

[[email protected] ~]# yum repolist

Alternate way to configure proxy settings for yum command

Set the following variables in either of the file 「/etc/environment」 or 「/root/.bashrc

export http_proxy=http://{Proxy-User-Name}:{Proxy-Password}@<Proxy-Server-IP-Address>:<Proxy-Port>
export https_proxy= http://{Proxy-User-Name}:{Proxy-Password}@<Proxy-Server-IP-Address>:<Proxy-Port>
export ftp_proxy= http://{Proxy-User-Name}:{Proxy-Password}@<Proxy-Server-IP-Address>:<Proxy-Port>
export no_proxy=,localhost

Above proxy settings will be applicable system wide.

Ref From: linuxtechi

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