RHEL 6 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) Server Installation Steps

Channel: Linux
Abstract: 10 Select your Respective ‘Time Zone‘ & Click on Next. Stepthen select ‘Create Custom Layout‘ option. Click on Next

RHEL 6 ( Red Hat Enterprise Linux) Server is most widely used operating system in the Data Center for production environment. Most of the application like Oracle,Mail Servers & Web servers are installed on RHEL Servers.

In This tutorial we will discuss RHEL 6.X installation steps with the Screenshots.

Step:1 Download the RHEL 6.X ISO file from the Red Hat portal:


Step:2 Now Burn the downloaded ISO file into DVD or USB drive

Step:3 Change the Server’s Boot Medium , select the DVD or USB drive depending upon your media. Below Screen will after booting with bootable media :

select ‘Install or Upgrade an existing system‘ option and press enter.

Step:4 Skip the Media Test.

Step:5 Select your Respective Language .

Step:6 Select Appropriate Keyboard for your System

Step:7 Select the Storage on which Operating system will be Installed. In my Case I ma using ‘Basic Storage Device‘ i.e Server’s physical hard disk.

Step:8 Select ‘Yes,discard any data‘ option as we are doing fresh installation.

Step:9 Set the HostName and Click on ‘Configure Network‘ if you want to configure networking during the installation.

Step:10 Select your Respective ‘Time Zone‘ & Click on Next.

Step:11 Set the Root Password and Click on Next.

Step:12 Select ‘Replace Existing Linux System(s)‘ if you don’t want to create customize partition table. If you are planning to create your own partition table , then select ‘Create Custom Layout‘ option.

Click on Next, it will ask to format & the default Partition table Format is MSDOS

Step:13 Select ‘Write Changes to Disk

Step:14 Configure Bootloader and you may set bootloader password to enhance Security and click on Next

Step:15 Select ‘Basic Server‘ as we are installing Basic Server and Click on Next.

Step:16 Now the Installation has started as shown below :

Step:17  After the installation is completed , Reboot the Machine.

Step:18 Login Screen After installation. Use the User name as root and password that you have set during the installation.

Ref From: linuxtechi

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