Installation of 「Fedora 22 Server」 with Screenshots

Channel: Fedora Linux
Abstract: Select Fedora Minimal Install 8. It’s time to configure ‘Installation Destination‘. Select the same from ‘Installation Summary‘ screen. Note the defau

May 26, 2015 marked the release of Fedora 22, which comes in three editions viz., Workstation (for Desktop and Laptops – target is Home User), Server (For Real Production Server) and Cloud (for Deploying hosting and Cloud related Applications). We have covered a series of topics on Fedora 22 which you may like to go through:

  1. Fedora 22 Released – What’ New
  2. 27 Useful DNF Commands to Manage Packages
  3. Fedora 22 Workstation Installation Guide
  4. Install Fedy to Tweak Fedora Systems

Here in this article we will cover the detailed installation instructions for Fedora 22 Server. If you have already installed previous version of Fedora, you may update using our upgrade article Upgrade Fedora 21 to Fedora 22. If you want to install fresh Fedora 22 on one your server, this article is for you.

First Download the Fedora 22 Server Edition from the link below, as per your machine architecture. Note that the link below are for 32-bit and 64-bit machine. Also there is a Netinstall Download link, which downloads comparatively smaller ISO.

At the time of Installation Netinstall image, it will pull package from the repositories thus installation will require a little more time based upon Internet speed and physical memory.

Download Fedora 22 Server Live Image
  1. Fedora-Server-DVD-i386-22.iso – Size 2.2GB
  2. Fedora-Server-DVD-x86_64-22.iso – Size 2.1GB
Download Fedora 22 Server Netinstall Image
  1. Fedora-Server-netinst-i386-22.iso – Size 510MB
  2. Fedora-Server-netinst-x86_64-22.iso – Size 448MB
Installation of Fedora 22 Server

1. Once you have Downloaded the ISO image, its time to check the integrity of ISO image using following command.

# sha256sum Fedora-Server-DVD-*.iso

Sample Output 
b2acfa7c7c6b5d2f51d3337600c2e52eeaa1a1084991181c28ca30343e52e0df  Fedora-Server-DVD-x86_64-22.iso

Now validate this hash value with the one provided by official website of Fedora.

  1. For 32-bit ISO checksum click Fedora-Server-22-i386-CHECKSUM
  2. For 64-bit ISO checksum, click Fedora-Server-22-x86_64-CHECKSUM

Now the integrity of Downloaded ISO is verified, you may proceed to burn it to a DVD Disk or Make a USB flash Drive boot-able and boot right from it or you may also use Network PXE boot to Install Fedora.

If you like to know in details on the procedure to write an ISO to USB flash using a third party Utility – ‘Unetbootin‘ or manually using Linux ‘dd‘ command, you may follow the link below.


2. After writing it to USB Flash Drive or to a DVD ROM, put the media in and boot from the respective media, by prioritizing it from BIOS.

As soon as Fedora 22 Server Boots from the Disk/Drive, you will get boot Menu, similar to below. It is Important to note that the default boot option is 「Test this media & Install Fedora 22」 which is recommended to check if installation media is error free or not, however you can bypass it by clicking your UP Navigation Key and then choose to boot into 「Install Fedora 22」.

Fedora Boot Menu

3. On the next window, you have the option to select Language, which suits you and click Continue.

Select Installation Language

4. The next screen 「Installation Summary」 lets you configure a lots of option. This is the screen where you can configure your ‘Keyboard layout‘, ‘Language Support‘, ‘Time & Date‘, ‘Installation Source‘, ‘Software Selection‘, ‘Installation Destination‘ and ‘Network & Host Name‘. Lets configure each option one by one.

Installation Summary

5. First Select ‘Keyboard‘. Scroll through and add as many keyboard Layouts you want to add. You have to click on ‘+‘ every-time you want to add a new Layout followed by clicking on ‘Add‘. When all the required Keyboard Layouts are Added, Click Done on the Top Left Corner of the Screen.

Add Keyboard Layout

From the resulting screen (Installation Summary window), Click ‘Language Support‘. Select all the Language Support you want by putting a check mark on the required boxes and click done! When done.

Select Language Support

Again, you will get 「Installation Summary」 Window. Click on ‘Time & Date‘. Set time, Date and Geographical Location by clicking on the world map. When everything seems okay, click Done.

Select Location and Time

6. You will find yourself back to 「Installation Summary」 Screen. Click on ‘Installation Source‘. Here you can add network mirrors and additional repository.

If you are not sure about what to do on this window, leave everything as it is. Note that ‘Auto-detected installation media‘ is enough to install Minimal Fedora Server. Click Done in either case.

Select Installation Source

7. Again you will find yourself on 「Installation Summary」 window. click 「Software Selection」 from there.

Though there are 4 different option there – ‘Minimal Install‘, ‘Fedora Server‘, ‘Web Server‘ and ‘Infrastructure Server‘.

In production it is always the best idea to install Minimal Server so that unwanted packages are not installed and keep the system clean, configured, fast and secure. Any piece of software can be installed from Minimal Install as and when required.

Here in this example I have selected ‘Minimal Install‘, as well. Select base environment and click Done!

Select Fedora Minimal Install

8. It’s time to configure ‘Installation Destination‘. Select the same from ‘Installation Summary‘ screen.

Note the default option is ‘Automatically Configure Partitioning‘ change it to ‘I will Configure Partitioning‘, to partition manually. By Selecting Manual Partitioning, you can make most out of your Space. Also you may select to ‘Encrypt‘ your data from this window. Finally click done.

Select Installation Destination

The resulting Interface lets you create partitions manually.

Manual Partitioning

9. Use LVM partitioning Scheme, if you want to install and extend it to LVM. On most of the server, LVM is almost there. Click on + on the bottom left and create /boot partitioning. Enter Desired Capacity and Click ‘Add mount Point‘.

Create Boot Partition

Note that File System type for /boot must be ‘ext4‘ and device type is ‘Standard Partition‘.

Boot FileSystem Type

10. Again Click on + and Create SWAP space. Add Desired Capacity and click 「Add mount Point」.

Create Swap Partition

Note that File System type is ‘SWAP‘ and Device Type is ‘LVM‘.

Swap Filesystem Type

11. Finally we will be creating root partition (/), add all the Remaining Disk Space and Click ‘Add mount Point‘.

Create Root Partition

Note that File System Type for root is ‘XFS‘ and Device Type is ‘LVM‘. Click Done after cross checking every options.

Root Filesystem Type

12. The resulting window will ask, if you want to Destroy the format? Click Accept Changes.

Format Partitions

13. You will find yourself again on 「Installation Summary」 Interface. Click on Network and Host Name. You got an interface to modify your IP, DNS, Route, Subnet Mask and Host Name.

Configure Network

14. You will notice you got a dynamic IP. In production and in most general it is suggested to have a static IP. Click on Configure and change method to ‘Manual‘ from ‘Automatic‘ under Hood. ‘IPv4 Settings‘. Finally Click ‘save‘.

Network Details

15. You will be back to ‘Network & Host Name‘ Interface. Here you may set Host Name and for the changes to be taken into effect immediately, switch off and again on Ethernet, from this interface. Finally click Done! When everything looks okay.

Set Hostname

16. One last time you will find yourself back to ‘Installation Summary‘ Interface. You may notice that there is no conflicts and warning here. Everything looks alright. Click Begin Installation.

Begin Fedora Installation

17. On the next Interface the system will install necessary packages, basic configuration and Boot Loaders. You have to take care of two things here. First is to set ‘Root password‘ and second is to ‘Create User‘.

Set Root Password

18. First click on ‘Root Password‘. Enter same password twice. Follow the general rule of making password hard by using both upper-case and lower-case letter, numbers and special characters. Also avoid any dictionary words and ensure password is of sufficient long. Remember Password should be 「Hard to Guess, Easy to Remember」.

Enter Root Password

19. Next click on ‘User Creation‘ from the configuration Interface and fill up necessary information like full name, user name and password. You may like to see ‘Advanced options‘. Click Done, when you are done.

Create User Account

20. It will take some time for the installation to finish depending upon what you selected to Install, your ISO type (full iso or Netinstall) and your memory size along with several other factors.

Once the installation and configuration along with boot loaders is over, you will notice a message at the right bottom of the screen 「Fedora is now Successfully Installed, reboot the machine to finish installation.

Fedora Install Completes

21. The system will reboot and you may notice Fedora 22 Boot Menu.

Fedora 22 Boot Menu

22. The login interface will be available in no time, enter username and password of new user account.

Login Screen

23. Once logged-in, check the version of Fedora 22 using following command.

$ cat /etc/os-release
Check Fedora Version Conclusion

Installation of Fedora 22 Sever is very simple and straight Forward. A lots of new features, packages and journaling system included. DNF is powerful than YUM. ‘Database Server role’, ‘Default XFS System’ and ‘Compatible Cockpit’, availability in repo makes it easy for new Admins to handle and configure system efficiently. Running on top of kernel 4.0.4, you may expect support for maximum number of hardwares and updation is easy.

For those who are already using or intend to use Fedora 22 server backed by Red Hat, won’t regret Using fedora on one/many of their server.

Ref From: tecmint
Channels: fedora 22

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