How to Install Notepadqq (Notepad++) on Ubuntu Linux

Channel: Linux
Abstract: ~$ sudo apt-get install notepadqq -y~$ sudo apt install notepadqq -y Installing notepadqq using Ubuntu Software App. From Search dash

As we know Notepad++ is the most commonly used text editor or source code editor in Microsoft windows operating system. In Ubuntu Linux ‘notepadqq’ is the alternate of notepad++. In other words we can say that notepadqq is Notepad++ for Ubuntu Linux, Notepadqq is the open source text editor or code editor developed for developers.

Some of the special features of Notepadqq are listed below:

  • Syntax Highlighter for 100+ languages
  • Color Scheme
  • Multiple Selections
  • Use of regular expression search
  • Code Folding
  • Comment and display mathematical formulas

In this article we will demonstrate how to install ‘notepadqq‘ in Ubuntu Linux.

Installation Steps of Notepadqq on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS / 18.04 LTS Step:1 Add Ubuntu PPA Repository

notepadqq‘ package is not available in the default Ubuntu repository, so we have to add Notepaddqq PPA repository using below command.

[email protected]:~$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:notepadqq-team/notepadqq

Step:2 Refresh the Repositories using below apt-get command.
[email protected]:~$ sudo apt-get update
[email protected]:~$ sudo apt update
Step:3 Install notepaddqq Debian package

Now we can install notepadqq package from command line using  following apt-get command,

[email protected]:~$ sudo apt-get install notepadqq -y
[email protected]:~$ sudo apt install notepadqq -y

Installing notepadqq using Ubuntu Software App.

From Search dash, access Ubuntu Software App and in the app search 「notepadqq」 then click on search result and then click on Install

when we click on Install, it will prompt for password, type the password and the click on Authenticate.

Once the installation is completed, we will the following screen, from there we can start accessing it by clicking on 「Launch」

We will get following screen , by default we will get blank page of notepadqq but in my case i have place content of one of my Ansible playbook,

That’s all, above window confirms that we have successfully installed Notepadqq ( Notepad++  like editor) on Ubuntu Linux.  Explore this wonderful code editor tool and have fun ?

Ref From: linuxtechi

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