9 Best Twitter Clients for Linux That You Will Love to Use

Channel: Top Tools Linux
Abstract: # apt-get install choqok [On Debian based systems]Rainbow Stream – An Advanced Command-line Twitter Client for Linux 6. Twitter CLI Twitter CLI is y

Twitter is one of the most popular and massively used blogging services on the Internet today, with the ever increasing use of the this amazing social media platform, users are looking for Twitter desktop applications that can enable them perform blogging activities, send and receive messages directly from their Linux desktops.

Therefore, in this post, we shall present you some of the best Twitter desktop applications that you can install in Linux, however, the list is not in any particular order but has a selection of applications that offer exciting features and functions for effective and reliable blogging service management.

Suggested Read: 20 Linux Accounts to Follow on Twitter

1. Tweetdeck

Tweetdeck is a powerful, highly customizable blogging dashboard capable of managing multiple Twitter accounts simultaneously from within a web browser such as Firefox and Chrome by installing it as an add-on. Users can also utilize it as a desktop or web application, depending on a user’s preference.

It enables users to create their desired Twitter experience from available settings and has the following features:

  1. Supports monitoring of multiple timelines
  2. Supports scheduling of Tweets
  3. Enables filtering of searches
  4. Supports easy-to-use keyboard shortcuts
  5. Automatic refresh function
  6. Select dark or light theme to use
  7. Supports muting users or terms to prevent unnecessary noise and many more
Tweetdeck Client for Linux

Visit Homepage: https://tweetdeck.twitter.com/

2. Corebird

Corebird a stylish, simple and great Twitter client for Linux, it comes with a modern and easy-to-use GUI with some remarkable designs. Users have several keyboard shortcuts at their disposal for easy and reliable usage.

Additionally, it comes with the following notable features:

  1. Built for GNOME desktop environment
  2. Supports functions such as Friends, @Reply, Favorite and Public timelines for chatting
  3. Enables sending and receiving of direct messages
  4. Offers repeat/re-tweet functions
  5. Supports for Twitter lists
  6. Offers users desktop notification functionality including many others

You can install Corebird on Linux systems, using your default distribution package manager as shown:

# yum install corebird       [On RedHat based systems]
# apt-get install corebird   [On Debian based systems]
Corebird Twitter Client for Linux

Visit Homepage: http://corebird.baedert.org

3. Choqok

Choqok is a free/open-source, comprehensive and feature rich micro-blogging client built for the KDE desktop environment. It supports blogging sites such as Twitter.com, OpenDesktop.org and Pump.io.

It offers users a great GUI for chatting purposes, importantly, supports several user accounts simultaneously as well as some remarkable features as listed below:

  1. Built using Qt libraries
  2. Supports Friends, @Reply, Favorite and Public timelines for chatting
  3. Enables users to send and receive direct messages
  4. Supports repeat/re-tweet functions
  5. Supports for Twitter lists
  6. Supports integration with KDE desktop’s Kwallet security service
  7. Offers desktop notification functionality
  8. Enables posts filtering to hide unwanted posts from timeline
  9. Supports proxy services plus many more

You can install Choqok on Linux systems, using your default distribution package manager as shown:

# yum install choqok       [On RedHat based systems]
# apt-get install choqok   [On Debian based systems]
Choqok Twitter Client for Linux

Visit Homepage: http://choqok.gnufolks.org

4. Oysttyer

Oysttyer is also a free, open-source and interactive text based Twitter client for Linux. It is a simple fork and replacement of the popular TTYtter.

It’s developed and maintained by an active community and offers all features of TTYtter which include:

  1. 100% text based and written in Perl
  2. Supported in multiple desktop environments including KDE, GNOME, Cinnamon and many more
  3. Supports shell scripts and cronjobs for managing Twitter updates
  4. Supports user notification function
  5. Also supports for Twitter lists
  6. Supports several Twitter-like APIs, compatible with API 1.1
  7. Supports new and old re-tweet functions
  8. highly extensible through custom built extensions along with several other features

You can directly download and run Oysttyer rrom the Linux terminal as shown:

# https://github.com/oysttyer/oysttyer/archive/master.zip
# unzip master
# cd oysttyer-master/
# ./oysttyer.pl
Oysttyer Twitter Client for Linux

Visit Homepage: https://github.com/oysttyer/oysttyer

5. Rainbowstream

Rainbowstream is a powerful, fully customizable and interactive terminal based Twitter client. It offers users exciting features present in many GUI Twitter clients such as displaying images, colored text, together with other remarkable components listed below:

  1. Smart, nicely displayed and colorful stream
  2. Interactive mode with many fancy commands
  3. Hashtag, compose, search and favorite functions
  4. Function for sending and receiving of direct messages
  5. Supports multiple beautiful themes coupled with many other features

You can install Rainbowstream on Linux systems, using pip installation method as shown:

------------ On RedHat based systems -----------
# yum install python-pip
# pip install rainbowstream

------------ On Debian based systems -----------
# apt-get install python-pip
# pip install rainbowstream  
Rainbowstream Twitter Client for Linux

Visit Homepage: http://www.rainbowstream.org/

Suggested Read: Rainbow Stream – An Advanced Command-line Twitter Client for Linux

6. Twitter CLI

Twitter CLI is yet another powerful text based Twitter client for Unix-like systems. It has a handful of notable features such as multiple interactive commands, supports deep search.

Which offers a quick and extensive search through your tweet history, it is multi-threaded, supports generation of spreadsheets: therefore users can convert the output of any command in to CSV format files. Additionally, Twitter CLI also enables users to backup their twitter account.

You can install Twitter CLI on Linux systems, using gem installation method as shown:

------------ On RedHat based systems -----------
# yum install ruby-devel
# gem install t

------------ On Debian based systems -----------
# apt-get install ruby-dev
# gem install t 
Twitter Cli for Linux

Visit Homepage: https://github.com/sferik/t

7. Anatine

Anatine is also a lightweight, cross platform Twitter client that runs on Linux, Windows and Mac OS X. It has quite a few notable features which include: offers multiple keyboard shortcuts, provides a beautiful dark mode.

It also supports running in the background after closing the application, therefore, to terminate it, right-click on the Linux tray icon and click Quit.

Anatine Twitter Client for Linux

Visit Homepage: https://github.com/sindresorhus/anatine

8. Franz

Franz is a free, cross platform chat and messaging application that runs on Linux, Windows and Mac OS X. It supports numerous social media platforms such as Twitter, Whatsapp, Facebook, Skype, WeChat, HipChat plus many more.

Simply download Franz and add your desired chat and messaging services, Twitter as well. One illustrious property of Franz is that it lets users add more than one account to a single service.

Franz Chat and Messaging App

Visit Homepage: http://meetfranz.com

9. TwittVim

TwittVim is a simple Vim editor plugin that enables a user to access his/her Twitter timeline and also post items as well. It is a fork of the original vimscript which offers features common to several Twitter clients.

As an improvement of vimscript, it offers the following prominent features:

  1. Ships in with a handful of commands
  2. Enables Twitter search
  3. Offers Friends, Mentions and Favorite timelines
  4. Also allows sending and receiving of direct messages
  5. Supports hashtag function
  6. Supports opening of links in a browser
  7. Supports filtering of timeline
  8. Also enables viewing and managing of Twitter lists plus lots more

Visit Homepage: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2204


There are several other amazing Twitter clients for Linux you can find on the Internet today. Having run through the list above, is there any remarkable Twitter desktop software for Linux you have probably used or know about out there, that you strongly feel needs to be included here?

In that case, get back to us through the feedback form below by making your suggestion. We shall be delighted to review and include it here in this editorial.

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and cast your vote for your favorite Twitter client for Linux and move to the comments section below to explain your reasons.

Your Favorite Twitter Client for #Linux

Find out more best twitter clients for Linux : https://t.co/Tp2s6AQA9r

— Linux Inside (@tecmint) August 12, 2016

Ref From: tecmint

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