10 Best Clipboard Managers for Linux - Part 2

Channel: Top Tools Linux
Abstract: users can extend its functionality using plugins. It now uses the App Indicator to support Unity and Gnome Classic desktop environments in Ubuntu. Gli
6. Pastie

This is a simple clipboard manager for Ubuntu and makes use of the AppIndicator. It has some cool features that include among others:

  1. Image copy support
  2. Customizable interface
  3. Quick access shortcuts and so much more
Pastie Clipboard Manager

Visit Homepage: https://github.com/fmoralesc/pastie

7. Parcellite

It is a stripped down, lightweight GTK+2, basic-features clipboard manager for Linux.

It has some of the following features:

  1. History management
  2. Daemon mode
  3. Display clipboard contents quickly using global hotkeys
  4. Perform custom commands using clipboard contents
Parcellite Clipboard Manager

Visit Homepage: http://parcellite.sourceforge.net/

8. Glipper

It is a clipboard management tool for GNOME desktop environment, users can extend its functionality using plugins. It now uses the App Indicator to support Unity and Gnome Classic desktop environments in Ubuntu.

Glipper has most of the fundamental features including clipboard history management.

Glipper Clipboard Manager

Visit Homepage: https://launchpad.net/glipper

9. Clipit

This is a lightweight GTK+ clipboard manager. It is feature rich and actually forked from Parcellite, but includes some extra features and bug fixes.

It has got the following features:

  1. Save history of last copied item
  2. Global hotkeys for most used functions
  3. Declare static items
  4. Exclude specific items from history
  5. Searchable history and many more
Clipit Clipboard Manager

Visit Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/gtkclipit/

10. Keepboard

It is a cross-platform clipboard manager that allows users to save clipboard history.

Visit Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/keepboard/


That is it for now, there could be some clipboard management utilities or tools that I have not included in the article, let us know of any by dropping a comment. Hope you find this article useful.

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Ref From: tecmint

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