
./configure --prefix=/usr \             --bindir=/usr/bin \             --sbindir=/usr/sbin \             --libexecdir=/usr/lib/brotli \             -

2022-07-03 13:33:12


we’ll configure Moodle CMS with MariaDB database backend with loopback access to MySQL database. This means that the database can only be accessed via

2022-07-03 13:32:50


tomcat.service - Tomcat 9.0 servlet containersystemctl start tomcat systemctl enable tomcat You can also verify the status of Tomcat with the followin

2022-07-03 13:32:26


// The apache Munin configuration is not enabled by default[...] We should find the Apache 2.4 configuration file for Munin /et

2022-07-03 13:32:24


and it is only natural that there aren't many GPU benchmarking tools available with which users can test their graphics hardware. There are however so

2022-07-03 13:32:11


you can verify the CTparental installation with the following command//admin.ct.local. You should see the CTparental login page

2022-07-03 13:32:04