
we will go through the Vanilla Forum installation and setup on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS system by using Nginx as a web serverwhich is database installation an

2022-07-03 13:33:17


which is the database installation and setup. Step 2- Install MariaDB and create a database Craft CMS supports MySQL/MariaDB and PostgreSQL databases.

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sudo systemctl reload nginx.service Step 4 - Install Matomo Analytics Create /var/www directorysudo apt install -y curl wget vim git unzip socat Step

2022-07-03 13:33:14


MariaDB root password is not set in CentOS 8. So you will need to set it first. You will also need to secure the MariaDB installation. You can set it

2022-07-03 13:32:54


systemctl restart nginx You can also verify the status of the Nginx service using the following commandnginx -v You should see the Nginx version in th

2022-07-03 13:32:53


we’ll configure Moodle CMS with MariaDB database backend with loopback access to MySQL database. This means that the database can only be accessed via

2022-07-03 13:32:50


you will find it hard to start the graphical interface for XAMPP although you can use the command in Step 12 to start and stop the XAMPP services. Now

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Press Ctrl + X to close the editor and press Y when prompted to save the file. Run the following command to add a configuration file for Ampache. $ su

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Choose default value and hit Enter. You should see the following outputChoose the default option and hit Enter. You should see the following output

2022-07-03 13:32:16