How to Install Rocky Linux 9 | ITzGeek

Channel: Rocky Linux
Abstract: make this user administrator so you can run commands as the root user with sudo. Create Regular User You should not see any warnings on the installati

Rocky Linux 9 is the latest open-source enterprise operating system version from The Rocky Enterprise Software Foundation and will be supported until May 31, 2032.

Rocky Linux 9 is derived from the source of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9, which was released on May 17, 2022.

It comes with Linux kernel 5.14, GNOME 40 as the default desktop environment, and XFS that supports Direct Access operations. You can read additional details about the release by visiting Rocky Linux 9.0 highlights.

Supported Architectures

The following architectures are supported. However, older CPUs may not work well.

  • AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures
  • The 64-bit ARM architecture
  • IBM Power Systems, Little Endian
  • 64-bit IBM Z
System Requirements

At least 2 GB RAM and 10 GB of free disk space are required to install Rocky Linux 9.

Download Rocky Linux 9

Click the below link to download Rocky Linux 9.

Download Rocky Linux 9

Choose the Rocky Linux DVD ISO image for the installation.

Install Rocky Linux 9

To begin, boot the DVD image, select Install Rocky Linux 9.0 from the menu, and then press enter.

Rocky Linux 9 Installation Menu

Select the language you want to use during the Rocky Linux 9 installation and click continue.

Select Language for Rocky Linux Installation

In the installation summary, look for warnings; you must clear them for Rocky Linux installation. You can customize the installation by changing their configuration by clicking on them.

Rocky Linux 9 Installation Summary Installation Configurations Localization
  • Keyboard
  • Language Support
  • Time & Date


You can choose the keyboard layout you want to use on the system. The keyboard that tops the list will be the default.

Keyboard Layout

Language Support

You may also install additional language support if required.

Install Additional Language Support

Time & Date

Click on time and date to change the Time, Date, and Timezone. You can also enable Network Time to sync the system time with NTP servers.

Time and Date Software
  • Installation Source
  • Software Selection

Installation Source

Leave the installation source be Local Media.

Software Selection

Software Installation lets you customize the installation for your requirements. Five predefined installation types and custom operating systems are available for to decide.

  • Server with GUI
  • Server
  • Workstation
  • Minimal Install
  • Custom Operating System (Need to choose software manually)
  • Virtualization Host

Choose the one from the list suitable for your requirement, then click on done.

Rocky Linux Installation Type System
  • Installation Destination
  • Kdump
  • Network & Host Name
  • Security Policy

Installation Destination

Click on the installation destination to set up partitions for Rocky Linux installation. You may either let the system create partitions automatically or choose to create partitions manually.

Automatic Partition

Ensure Automatic Configuration is Automatic and click done.

Rocky Linux Automatic Partitioning


Manual Partition

I will manually create partitions (512 GB disk), as shown below.

/boot: 2 GB (xfs)

/home: 300 GB (xfs)

/ (root): 200 GB (xfs)

swap: 2 GB

Ensure Automatic Configuration is Custom and click done.

Rocky Linux Custom Partitioning

Click on Click here to create them automatically to create portions automatically for our custom partition requirements.

Automatic Layout for Custom Partition

The installer will create the partitions with the below sizes.

Custom Partitions`

You can change the partition size by clicking on them by setting the desired capacity to match your requirement. You can create additional partitions by clicking the + sign.

Final Partition Size

If you are okay with the partitioning, click done. Then, Accept Changes to create partitions.

Accept Partition Changes


Keep the KDUMP enabled.


Network & Host Name

Click on the Network and Host Name to configure IP Address and set the hostname for your system.

Type the hostname in the Host Name field and click Apply.

Set HostName

Then, click Configure to set up the IP Address.

Set IP Address

Finally, enable the network connection by turning it on.

Enable Network Interface User Settings
  • Root Password
  • User Creation

Root Password

By default, the root account is disabled. But, you can enable it by setting the root password. Also, you may allow the root user to log in remotely via SSH.

Enable Root Account

User Creation

Create a user for managing the system. Additionally, make this user administrator so you can run commands as the root user with sudo.

Create Regular User

You should not see any warnings on the installation summary page anymore. Click Begin Installation to start the installation of Rocky Linux 9.

Begin Rocky Linux 9 Installation

Then, wait for the installation to finish.

Rocky Linux 9 Installation In Progress

Once Rocky Linux 9 installation is completed, reboot the system.

Reboot System Post Installation

While the system boots, you will see Rocky linux menu screen like below.

Rocky Linux Boot Menu

Choose the user and log in with the password.

Rocky Linux 9 Login Screen

Finally, you will get a Rocky Linux 9 desktop interface.

Rocky Linux 9 Conclusion

That’s All. I hope you learned how to install Rocky Linux 9.

Ref From: itzgeek

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